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Frozen yoghurt and passionfruit curd cake

Katrina Meynink
Katrina Meynink

Frozen yoghurt meets passionfruit pavlova.
Frozen yoghurt meets passionfruit pavlova.Katrina Meynink

The curd is important here – the frozen yoghurt has an icier, blockier texture than regular ice-cream so the curd acts as a brilliant softener, making it easier for you to cut through when serving. Commonly yoghurt desserts are cut through with cream to create a creamier texture but I love the icy texture here – it is offset by the rich curd beautifully and feels like a lighter, fresher Christmas Day dessert.



Base layer

  • 1 cup broken meringue pieces (bite-sized)

  • 1.2kg creamy Greek-style yoghurt (lightly sweetened version)

  • 400g passionfruit curd

Top layer

  • 340g tinned or fresh passionfruit pulp

  • 4 tbsp elderflower cordial

  • 600g creamy Greek-style yoghurt (lightly sweetened)

To serve

  • ½ cup honeycomb pieces

  • 4-5 edible flowers or elderflower*

  • 2 crystallised apricot halves, finely sliced


  1. 1. Line a 26cm round x 10cm tall cake tin* with cling film, allowing plenty of overhang. Place a 7.5cm round x 10cm high cookie cutter in the centre.

    2. Start with the base layer by combining the meringue pieces and yoghurt in a bowl.

    3. Dollop most of the passionfruit curd on the base of the tin. Be very haphazard – where and how much doesn't matter – it's more for the pattern of it. Reserve 3-4 tbsp of the curd to swirl through the yoghurt.

    4. Gently pour over the yoghurt and meringue mixture and stir through the reserved passionfruit curd. Place in the freezer for two hours or until just set.

    5. Prepare the top layer by combining the passionfruit pulp, elderflower cordial and yoghurt in a bowl. Gently pour over the top of the base layer and return to the freezer to set overnight.

    6. When ready to serve, remove the dessert from the freezer and set on the bench for 1-2 minutes. (Given this is a more frozen consistency compared to ice-cream, and takes a little longer to be able to be turned out from the mould.) Place a serving plate over the top and flip over. At this point you can remove the cake tin and the layer of cling film. If the internal ring is still quite set in the centre of the dessert, wet a tea towel with hot water, as hot as you can handle and push into the centre. This will help you to be able to pull the ring from the dessert.

    7. Sprinkle with the honeycomb and flowers and arrange the crystallised apricot slices, if using, and serve. Slice using a hot, wet knife.

    *If you decide to decorate this dessert with fresh elderflowers (as pictured) remove them before eating. The fragrance is beautiful, but eating raw elderflower is not.

    **You could also use a high-sided savarin tin or round bundt-style tin.

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Katrina MeyninkKatrina Meynink is a cookbook author and Good Food recipe columnist.Connect via Twitter.

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