

Game Reviews
The Evil Within

Crash Test: Best new games this week

GAME guru Cam Shea takes a closer look at Sunset Overdrive, Project Spark, The Evil Within, Borderlines: The Pre-Sequel this week. He says Sunset Overdrive is one game you won’t want to miss.

Video game fans play Microsoft's video game console "Xbox One" at a video game cafe in Tokyo on September 3, 2014 on the eve of the launch in Japan. Microsoft Japan will launch the company's latest video game console to the Japanese market on September 4. AFP PHOTO / Yoshikazu TSUNO

Game on: China to get Xbox One

US technology giant Microsoft will launch its Xbox One in China on September 29, becoming the first game console to enter the market in 14 years.

Starcraft II character.

ESPN: video games aren’t sport

VIDEO game tournaments have bigger prize money than most sports, sell out 10,000 seat arenas and have diehard fans. But apparently they aren’t a real sport.

The reasons Apple rejects apps

The reasons Apple rejects apps

NOT everyone who tries will make their fortune in mobile apps. In fact it’s a tricky process to get into the App Store. Apple reveals what it DOESN’T want.

Game Reviews
Watch Dogs: Bullets over broadband

Watch Dogs: Bullets over broadband

REVIEW: Watch Dogs refers to hackers as modern-day magicians. That’s a good analogy for the bag of tricks we get to use, running amok in this huge and impressively-detailed map of Chicago.

Why the PS2 is the best console ever

Why the PS2 is the best console ever

What is the best game console? A question that has caused many debates. But when you really think about it, there are no ties or the idea that it’s too close to call. There is only one answer: Sony’s PlayStation 2.

How much coffee is too much?

How much coffee is too much?

WORRIED you’re drinking too much coffee? Is there even such a thing? Now there’s an easy way to figure out whether you should put that cup down.

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