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Green bean mimosa

Neil Perry
Neil Perry

Green bean mimosa.
Green bean mimosa.William Meppem

For this side dish, make sure the beans are bright and vibrant, without blemishes or marks. Sometimes they will dehydrate if picked too long ago. Also, don't leave them in the iced water any longer than needed, as they will lose flavour. Make sure they are well dried - you don't want to dilute the dressing. I'm also a big fan of boiled baby leeks done this way.



  • 2 free-range eggs

  • 500g small green beans 

  • ¼ cup parmigiano reggiano shards

For the dressing

  • 1½ tbsp extra virgin olive oil

  • ½ tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 tsp dijon mustard

  • sea salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • 2 tsp baby salted capers, rinsed and drained

  • 2 tsp chopped flatleaf parsley

  • 2 tsp chopped chives

  • 1 tsp chopped tarragon


  1. 1. Start with super fresh, room temperature eggs. To a saucepan of simmering water, add a pinch of salt then slowly lower eggs in and cook for 10 minutes. Remove from water and place in cold water to stop the cooking process.

    Once cold, remove from water, peel and slice in half. Remove yolks from the whites and keep separate. Chop the whites and reserve to one side.

    2. Cut the ends off the beans and trim neatly. Cook in a pot of boiling, salted water for a minute or two then drain and place in iced water. Once chilled, remove from the water and drain well. 

    3. For the dressing, in a bowl whisk together oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt and pepper. Chop the capers and stir them through the vinaigrette with the chopped herbs. Check seasoning. 

    4. In a large bowl, dress the beans with the vinaigrette then place neatly on a flat plate. Sprinkle over the egg white then egg yolks. Give a good grind of pepper and finish with shards of parmesan cheese.

    Styling Hannah Meppem

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Neil PerryNeil Perry is a restaurateur, chef and former Good Weekend columnist.

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