

A week of healthy dinner recipes

A week of healthy dinner recipes

COMING up with a week’s worth of delicious, healthy recipes can be a strain. So we’ve found seven excellent recipes to take the hard work out of meal planning.

‘My husband had HIV too’

‘My husband had HIV too’

WHEN Maggie Kneip heard that Charlie Sheen had finally spoken out confirming that he is HIV-positive, her heart went out to his ex-wife Brooke Mueller.

A week of healthy dinner recipes

A week of healthy dinner recipes

COMING up with a week’s worth of interesting, delicious, healthy recipes can be a strain.So we’ve found seven excellent recipes to take the hard work out of meal planning.

Put down that glass of champagne

Put down that glass of champagne

SOME of champagne’s properties may help prevent forms of dementia such as Alzheimer’s, research suggests. But don’t go cracking the bubbly just yet.

Other common cancer-causing substances

Other common cancer-causing substances

HOTDOGS, salami and other processed meats now rank alongside tobacco, alcohol and around 100 more substances on the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s list of Group 1 carcinogens.

8 foods to eat for weight loss

8 foods to eat for weight loss

DOES the thought of getting into a bikini this summer leave you in cold sweats? Try these foods. They’ll keep you fuller for longer and help get the kilos off.

Why you don’t need soap

Why you don’t need soap

MANY people now know to take it easy on antibiotics and eat lots of fermented foods, but our squeaky-clean lifestyle is still a big problem.

Why eating makes you sleepy

Why eating makes you sleepy

WE’VE all done it, enjoyed a delicious meal only to nod off in a comfy chair for a while. So, what is it about food that can make us so sleepy?

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