
8 slimming foods that will keep you fuller for longer

DOES the thought of getting into a bikini this summer leave you in cold sweats? Try these foods. They’ll keep you fuller for longer and help get the kilos off.

LOOKING for a “miracle food” to help you get lean and sexy for swimsuit season? It’s time to call off the search — no such food exists. But before you throw in the towel, there are certain foods that guarantee satisfaction and help you eat less over the course of the day.

These eight foods are your best bets:


Nothing beats biting into a crunchy apple — the ultimate portable snack that’s low in kilojoules and contains the type of texture that takes time to eat. Compared to an apple juice, whole apples contain appetite-suppressing fibre which slows stomach emptying, staving off tummy rumbles.


Eggs are brimming with protein which helps to preserve your lean muscle mass — exactly what you want if you want to you’re your metabolism alive and kicking. Eggs are also rich in vitamin B12, which helps break down fat cells more effectively. Be it poached, baked, or scrambled, eggs are also versatile team players in casseroles, omelets, frittatas, or added to your favourite stir-fries, rice dishes and even desserts.


There are myriad of good reasons why you can enjoy a handful of nuts everyday as part of a slimming diet. Yes, nuts are packed with fat, but the body doesn’t actually absorb all the fat in the nuts. In fact, research shows that nut eaters eat less and weigh less compared to non-nut eaters. What’s more, the fat and fibre bundle in nuts help release hormones in the intestine, which may signal fullness, controlling appetite, so less room for processed or sugary sweets.

Get some nuts into you! It doesn’t matter which ones, they’re all good. Picture: Kathleen Alleaume.
Get some nuts into you! It doesn’t matter which ones, they’re all good. Picture: Kathleen Alleaume.


Fight fat with fat. The low fat mantra of the 80s and 90s is a thing of the past and everyone is returning to healthy plant sources of fats such as avocado. With the majority of fat being the healthy kind (mono-unsaturated), avocados have a proven ability to quell hunger pangs. In a study published in Nutrition Journal, participants who ate half a fresh avocado with lunch reported a 40 per cent decreased desire to eat for hours afterwards. Whip up some guacamole, and spread on your bread or enjoy stirred through a pasta sauce.


Apart from being a great source of protein, oily fish, such as mackerel, salmon and tuna, contains large amounts of omega-3 essential fatty — the kind of fat that can lower blood pressure; reduce inflammation and keep hearts healthy. These fatty acids are also less likely to store as body fat, but rather help the body process and flush out fats — making it an excellent choice for a weight-loss-worthy dinner. Aim to eat fish at least three times a week. Enjoy fresh fish grilled, barbecued, or baked; or use canned varieties in sandwiches, wraps, omelets or pastas.


Oats are unique in that they have a particular type of fibre — beta-glucan, which helps to improve blood glucose control and insulin responses after a meal, which ultimately promotes less fat storage. This, coupled with their low GI, is believed to be the reason for their ability to increase satiety (feel full) and less inclined to want to eat more. The result tends to be better weight control. Opt for the rolled varieties, rather than the ‘instant’, which have been processed and digest a lot faster. Try a refreshing Birchir-style muesli prepared the night before which makes a great blank canvas for other healthy stuff like nuts and chopped fruit. Add oats to smoothies, or use when baking cookies, muffins, meat patties, fruit loaves or crumbing.


Legumes (beans, chickpeas, lentils and dried peas) are an inexpensive and versatile food, which are packed full of quality protein — a higher amount than most other plant foods and are rich in energy-giving carbohydrates, with a low glycaemic index rating for blood sugar control — meaning less food cravings. Swap a meat heavy dish for beans or legumes in casseroles, burritos and pasta dishes a couple of times per week to increase the bulk without the added kilojoules. They also make a great base for patties or a low fat dip made from chickpeas, such as hummus.


If their vitamins and minerals don’t persuade you, maybe their waist whittling powers

will do the trick. Veg such as spinach, broccoli and buk choy are chock-full of appetite suppressing fibre and very few kilojoules. Have a salad before a meal and you’ll be satisfied with smaller portions later.

Avocado, prawns, greens: The perfect summer salad.
Avocado, prawns, greens: The perfect summer salad.

Kathleen Alleaume is a nutritionist and exercise physiologist and founder of The Right Balance.

Originally published as 8 slimming foods that will keep you fuller for longer

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