Author interviewReviewThe Wrong Man is the fifth in Tim Ayliffe’s John Bailey series, featuring the battle-worn journalist and a chessboard of new and returning characters. His focus: domestic extremism in the form of organised violence against women.
ReviewPatricia Collins was a young woman serving her country when Cyclone Tracy hit Darwin.
Patricia Collins
BooksBooksAlexis Wright’s Stella Prize-winning Praiseworthy joins works by Gregory Day, André Dao, Sanya Rushdi, Jen Craig and Hossein Asgari competing for Australia’s most prestigious literary prize
Book reviewReviewKatherine Min died before she could complete her important book on lust of some Western men for Asian women.
Antonella Gambotto-Burke
Come Writers & CriticsReviewOur readers on new books, old feelings and funding shortfalls.
Notable BooksReviewCandice Fox and Nicola Moriarty have new books, plus six more titles in our list of this week’s Notable Books.
Cheryl Akle
UNCONVENTIONAL WOMENReviewUnconvential Women tells the story of Australian girls who gave up careers and romance for life in a convent, devoted to Christ.
Sarah Gilbert
Come Writers & CriticsAtlassian’s billionaire co-founder Mike Cannon-Brookes used to dream about ‘world domination’. Now he dreams about teaching girls to read.
ReviewAs a funeral director, Richard Gosling was sometimes asked to meet the person who would be in the coffin. Here, he recalls a tender exchange with a woman who did not want her children to worry about her after death.
Richard Gosling
Book reviewReviewThe dating landscape has been altered beyond recognition by technology – in particular, by the advent of internet pornography and smartphones. Does a dancing psychologist have the answers?
Antonella Gambotto-Burke
Notable BooksReviewA new novel by the winner of the Miles Franklin Literary Award features on this week’s list of Notable Books.
Samuel Bernard
Book reviewReviewThis is a thoughtful and intimate account of the lives of Celia and Mamaine Paget, whose lives were linked by friendship and marriage to a bohemian world of mid-century writers and intellectuals.
Notable BooksReviewNotable Books: this week’s reading guide includes books on meteorites, refugees, and song lyrics
The Australian/ Vogel’s PrizeReviewIt’s our favourite time of the year, here at the Books pages. Why? It is Vogel Prize time, meaning we get to stand back, while a talented new writer is launched into the world.
Book reviewReviewMiranda Darling – poet, writer and co-founder of Vanishing Pictures – describes Thunderhead, her fifth book, as a dark comedy’.
Antonella Gambotto-Burke
MAGAZINEWeekend Australian MagazineFor a century he has been popular culture’s prophet of doom but it is time to explore another side – one that paints a far more nuanced view of humanity.
Literary honourBooksA novel by Kristina Ross about first-year students at an acting school has won the final Vogel award.
NAVIGATING THE HYPOCRISYReviewHistory has not only repeated itself after the Holocaust but morphed into a perverse incarnation through which the Left – including universities, arts, politics and media sectors – is united over a hatred of Zionism, twisting the facts as ‘resistance’.
Deborah Cassrels
Crime reviewsReview‘Night at the Museum as reimagined by Michael Crichton and Stephen King’: A.J. Finn’s blurb for The Paleontologist is more helpful than most.
Robyn Walton
Book reviewReviewThe Perfect Passion Company is about the serious business of trying to hitch people up with potential life mates. It’ll set book club voices aflame.
Peter Craven