Free speechBooksWriter Masha Gessen, who in July was sentenced, in absentia, to eight years in a Russian jail after accusing Russian forces of war crimes, has been unable to board a plane to Australia to speak at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas.
Literary prizesBooksBooks about famine, starvation, sex, graft and politics make the shortlists for the 2024 Prime Minister’s Literary Awards.
Book reviewReviewMichael Galovic was in awe of the frescoes in churches of his European childhood. His work is now in more than 100 churches here and abroad.
Adam Wesselinoff
LIFE AND DEATH MATTERReviewSoul is a word we use quite casually. You might be the ‘life and soul of the party’, meet your ‘soulmate’, or quits a ‘soul-destroying’ job. But defining the soul is a far more serious affair.
OBITUARYBooksPatricia Shaw told compelling stories of Australians, generally set against the backdrop of 19th-century harshness. But we weren’t listening.
LOVE STORIESReview‘Good father, OK husband, shithouse lover’. In adapting his book Love Stories with his wife for a new play, Trent Dalton decides to remove his rose-coloured glasses and face up to his flaws.
Book reviewReviewI was flying Qantas Economy, row 10, and all around me were noses in books. My flight turned into a Book Club at 20,000 feet.
The TimesThe wickedly funny children’s author, Daniel Handler, tells how he survived a spell in a mental asylum and went on to sell 60 million books.
Laura Hackett
Book reviewReviewWe might have known that Keanu Reeves was harbouring literary ambitions as soon as he started saying words like ‘gestalt’ in interviews and publishing hand-stitched collections of poetry.
Johanna Thomas-Corr
The TimesFiction is ignored by young males addicted to self-improvement – but they’re missing a trick.
James Marriott
MAGAZINEThe Weekend Australian MagazineHis Treehouse series with illustrator Terry Denton has sold millions. But Andy Griffiths has drawn a line under that to embrace a new challenge, and he’s bringing along your kids.
Book reviewReviewA serial killer stalks the highway. A new book by one of Australia’s finest writers examines all the ways in which Australian lives are impacted.
Gretchen Shirm
Come Writers & CriticsReviewAlexis Wright, Charlotte Wood, the death of Ray Lawler, and more in our weekly wrap of the book world.
Q&AThe Weekend Australian MagazineFour months in remand was more than enough time for the Sydney comedian (and former drug dealer) to ask himself what he wanted to get out of life.
The TimesAcclaimed and groundbreaking novelist Edna O’Brien conveyed the Irish experience in prose that was spare, luminous and sexually candid.
The Times
literatureBooksAlexis Wright has now won both the Miles Franklin Literary Award, and the Stella Prize, both of which are named for Stella Miles Franklin, twice.
WEIGHT LOSSReviewOzempic may well be the weight loss pill in a needle form that we’ve all been waiting for. But do the risks – including blindness and thyroid cancer – outweigh the benefits?
Antonella Gambotto-Burke
HEIGHTENED FASCINATIONReviewThe world’s highest mountain was once a peak only the most elite mountaineers and madmen would think to scale. Thanks to one-on-one Sherpa support and copious supplemental oxygen, things have changed.
Claire Sutherland
THE BOOKER PRIZE 2024The TimesAustralian author Charlotte Wood is in the running for the prize, but with a longlist featuring few bestsellers, who is this really for? | SEE THE LIST
Johanna Thomas-Corr
reviewReviewBorn in Japan and raised as a Samurai, Harry Freame had a legitimate claim to be considered the most famous Anzac soldier to have landed at Gallipoli.
Ryan Butta