
Anna Bligh


Treasurer Jim Chalmers.

Chalmers instructs banks to loosen home loan rules for HECS debts

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has instructed the prudential regulator to relax how HECS is treated when banks conduct mortgage serviceability tests.

Australian Banking Association chief executive Anna Bligh is retiring.

Anna Bligh to retire as boss of banking lobby group

The former Queensland premier took up the job as the industry’s peak lobbyist in the midst of a damning financial services royal commission.


ASX slumps; Tariffs drive market panic; US could feel some trade pain: Trump

Read everything that’s happened in the news so far today.


Peter Dutton says one of the core strengths of a Coalition government would be law and order.

Banks would face new loan regime under Coalition amid ESG pushback

Peter Dutton says bankers on multimillion-dollar pay packets who restrict lending on environmental grounds are out of step with ordinary Australians.

Former senator Eric Abetz.

‘Swayed by extremist groups’: Abetz slams bank in ESG stoush

A dispute over ESG requirements has emerged in Tasmania after a forestry company claimed its financing from Bendigo and Adelaide Bank was knocked back on environmental concerns.


December 2024

Stephen Conroy, chairman of TG Public Affairs.

Stephen Conroy goes spluttering and unhinged against the BCA

The former Labor senator went troppo at the Business Council, whose members include his own lobby clients.

November 2024

Major banks have split on prudential policy settings.

Bankers split as Chalmers kicks off branch levy negotiations

Treasurer Jim Chalmers has kick-started face-to-face negotiations with bank CEOs about a potential new $350 million levy, but bankers are split over the proposal.

October 2024

Matt Comyn.

How the big banks got out of Canberra’s line of fire

The big four bank chiefs can stride confidently into the capital. Perhaps the supermarkets, now under attack, can learn something from their rehabilitation.

Surcharges on purchases at cafés and shops fluctuate significantly, and have been criticised as being opaque and misleading.

Is there any rhyme or reason to credit card surcharges?

From absolutely no fee to more than four per cent, paying for a coffee can suddenly become very costly. These cafés explain why they charge what they do.

August 2024

Stephen Jones and Anna Bligh agree on all things scams.

Stephen Jones shields banks in scam ‘war’

The financial services minister and banking lobby boss Anna Bligh are so aligned on scams that they are repeating each other’s words.

July 2024

Consumer data right is meant to make switching accounts and finding cheaper products easier.

Senate to vote next month on extending data right for bank switching

Treasurer Jim Chalmers is working through banks’ concerns about the consumer data right, as the Senate forced a vote on a bill to extend it by mid-August.

June 2024

ASIC chairman Joe Longo. “While there’s much that’s good in the code, we need to be alive to apathy, complacency or in the worst circumstances, backsliding.”

ASIC warns banks not to become complacent with new code

ASIC has approved a new Banking Code of Practice, but chairman Joe Longo says lenders must be alive to the dangers of “apathy, complacency and backsliding”. 

Peter Fox, executive chairman of Linfox: “We have been holding something like a hot potato that has been burning at $1 million a week for the last three years.”

Armaguard and the banks now trust each other, says Linfox chairman

There has been a big turnaround in the relationship between the cash transport monopoly and its eight biggest customers.

A cash injection of $50 million will keep Armaguard afloat for at least another year.

Armaguard secures deal with banks, supermarkets to save cash

Months after a bailout collapsed, the eight largest customers of Linfox’s Armaguard have agreed to a $50 million injection to keep cash circulating.

Weighty issue: Jim Chalmers must find the deal is in the national interest, with the advice from Treasury and APRA.

Finance sector union not opposed to ANZ’s $4.9b Suncorp bank buy

The federal treasurer, a Queenslander with close ties to the state government, has been considering the takeover of the Brisbane-based bank since April.


May 2024

ASIC chairman Joe Longo: “It’s time for meaningful improvement.”

Lenders creating ‘unnecessary barriers’ for struggling customers: ASIC

With living costs high, ASIC chairman Joe Longo has issued a stern report on bank hardship policies. ABA chief Anna Bligh says processes are being improved.

Deloitte chairman Tom Imbesi, Future Women founder Helen McCabe, Deloitte chief Adam Powick, and ex-politico Tony Smith at the National Press Club on Wednesday.

Liontown’s Tim Goyder turns up to thank Jim Chalmers

Heavy hitters wary of party political functions have grown fond of the National Press Club’s Great Hall lunch.

Treasurer Jim Chalmers.

Bull and the budget: supplicants take over Canberra 

As the treasurer hands down his third budget, hasn’t he aroused a stupendous chorus of critics?

April 2024

Peter Fox is the executive chairman of Linfox and the son of Lindsay Fox. He says customers will need to pay more for Armaguard’s services.

Linfox lays out its terms for keeping Armaguard afloat

Peter Fox, the company’s executive chairman, says his family are “not beggars here”. He says the cash-in-transit monopoly will keep operating if fees rise.

March 2024

Coles has paused deliveries from Armaguard until next Friday over concerns about the stability of the cash delivery service.

Coles hoards cash over Easter as Armaguard teeters on the brink

The Lindsay Fox-controlled monopoly has engaged former ACTU secretary Bill Kelty to lead negotiations with major banks over a rescue package.

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