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Corned beef, gouda and jalapeno jaffle

Frank Camorra
Frank Camorra

Corned beef, gouda and jalapeno jaffle
Corned beef, gouda and jalapeno jaffleMarcel Aucar

Never mistake a jaffle for a toasted sandwich - it is so much more. The clam-shell shape you get from cooking it in a jaffle iron leaves more room for tasty fillings.



  • 2 slices square sandwich loaf 

  • 3 slices corned beef

  • 1 green onion, white section, thinly sliced

  • ½ a pickled jalapeno chilli, sliced

  • 2 thick slices gouda cheese

  • Salt and pepper

  • Soft butter


  1. Preheat jaffle iron. Place one slice of bread on a board, top with corned beef then evenly sprinkle the onion over it. Spread the chilli slices evenly so you get a bit with each mouthful. Top with cheese and salt and pepper.

    Place the other slice on top and butter well. Carefully place the sandwich in the iron, unbuttered surface facing up, butter the other surface, close the iron and toast for about 5 minutes or until golden and crisp. Slice in half and serve.

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Frank CamorraFrank Camorra is chef and co-owner of MoVida Sydney and Melbourne's MoVida Bar De Tapas.

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