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Fennel and squash puff pastry galettes with pangrattato recipe

The Blue Ducks' fennel and squash squares with goat's cheese and pangrattato crumb.
The Blue Ducks' fennel and squash squares with goat's cheese and pangrattato crumb.Christopher Pearce

As much as we love making most things from scratch, this recipe calls for a good quality, store bought puff pastry. The pastries lend themselves to most vegies, so if you don't have squash then you can top with asparagus, pumpkin, sweet potato, zucchini or even more fennel. Pangrattato, otherwise known as the poor man's parmesan, is a terrific way to put your stale bread to use. It will provide a flavour hit and a welcome crunch.



  • 1 red onion, peeled

  • 1 head fennel

  • 1 garlic clove

  • 3 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 sprig thyme

  • salt and pepper

  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar

  • 250g puff pastry

  • 1 tbsp Dijon mustard

  • 3 baby squash, cut into wedges

  • 100g goat's cheese


  • 1 grated garlic clove

  • 100g breadcrumbs

  • 50g pepitas, crushed

  • 4 tbsp olive oil

  • salt

  • zest of half an orange


  1. 1. Slice the onion, fennel and garlic. Gently cook in the olive oil with thyme until softened. Season with salt, pepper and vinegar and leave to cool.

    2. Cut 250-gram sheet of puff pastry into six squares. Place on a baking tray, gently score the inside of the squares and spoon on mustard, leaving a five-millimetre border which will rise when cooked. Spoon the onion, fennel and garlic mix onto the mustard. Top with the squash, season and bake at 180C until the pastry is golden.

    3. Meanwhile, make the pangrattato fry the garlic, bread and pepitas in the oil until golden. Season with salt and orange zest.

    4. To serve, crumble the goat's cheese over the pastry and add picked herbs and pangrattato.

    Tips: For the meat lovers, some smoky bacon lardons on top should hit the spot.

    The fennel and onion base can be made well in advance if you are having friends around and want to reduce the amount of cooking.

    If you like this recipe, try Frank Camorra's leek and asparagus galette.

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