


Kendrick Lamar and Japanese punk: Meet Victoria’s new chief justice

Richard Niall, KC, was welcomed to his new role this week, and was provided with some advice by the current head of the Federal Court.


Linktree’s founders Nick Humphreys, and brothers Anthony and Alex Zaccaria.

Linktree concocted ‘nonsensical’ claim to sack me, staffer claims

The high-profile social media start-up has rejected the allegations, including that a friend of its co-founder was given special treatment.

December 2024

Alex Waislitz claims his ex-wife ‘abdicated’ her responsibilites as a director.

Waislitz claims ex-wife Pratt ‘abdicated responsibilities’ as director

Billionaire Alex Waislitz has filed a defence to a lawsuit by his ex-wife Heloise Pratt, who claims the billionaire “engaged in criminality” in the management of their joint investment vehicle.

November 2024

Property developer Sasha Hopkins.

Property guru Sasha Hopkins fined $1.3m, banned for four years

The self-styled property mogul has been punished for running unregistered investment schemes without a financial licence.

Heloise Pratt alleges ex-husband Alex Waislitz falsified board records

The two billionaires had been on amicable terms after splitting in 2015 until a stoush started over the control of Thorney Investments.

Alex Waislitz.

Heloise Pratt sues former husband Alex Waislitz over Thorney

Visy Industries scion Heloise Pratt is suing her billionaire ex-husband Alex Waislitz in a fight over their joint-owned business, fund manager Thorney Investments.

Richard White resigned as WiseTech Global CEO last month but will remain a consultant to the company.

WiseTech allegedly misled investors over ‘aggressive’ earnings targets

In a new class action, Phi Finney McDonald alleges that shareholders in the software company suffered after it missed earlier profit guidance in 2020.

Escala has been hit by a spate of departures amid concerns over its pay structure.

Case closed: Escala loses bid to restrict defecting partners

Paul Sealey and Jonathan Vickers‑Willis defected to rival LGT Crestone in 2023 amid a spate of departures.

October 2024

Protesters in front of the Federal Court as it heard a claim against Santos. The company was successful and has restarted work on the Barossa gas project.

EDO expert on Indigenous culture says he’s ‘just a white fella’

The Federal Court ultimately rejected the arguments made by the Environmental Defenders Office and allowed Santos to develop the $5.8 billion gas project.

Billionaire Alex Waislitz.

Billionaire Alex Waislitz ensnared in the Real Housewives web

The Rich Lister and his extended family have been in the headlines for decades. His new family wants more.

August 2024

An artist impression of a proposed Hyatt hotel in Springvale, which was to be developed by PE Capital but never built.

Creditors bankrupt former PE Capital director

Disgruntled creditors of PE Capital Funds Management have directed their anger at former Melbourne developer Martyn Barnes for his role at the collapsed asset manager. And on Wednesday, they got their man.

Twenty-five new senior counsel have been appointed in Victoria.

Key figure in Lawyer X aftermath among 25 new Victorian silks

The list of 17 men and eight women was announced by Victoria’s Chief Justice on Thursday.

June 2024

Schweppes Australia made around $240 million in payments during the 2018 and 2019 financial years to PepsiCo Beverage Singapore.

Pepsi beats ATO on appeal over royalty taxes

Attempts to reel in multinationals using complex deals and structures to minimise tax have been dealt a blow after the beverage giant challenged its tax bill.

Former Keystone director Paul Chido.

Deloitte to verify Keystone payments amid ASIC investigation

Deloitte will be appointed by the Federal Court to monitor and verify payments related to the ongoing management of Keystone Asset Management.

ASIC boss Joe Longo and John Karantzis, founder of payments company iSignthis.

Federal Court rules iSignthis misled the market

A Federal Court judge says payments company iSignthis and its former managing director John Karantzis misled the market, but ASIC had failed to prove that the boss knew about performance milestones and deliberately structured revenue to trigger share bonuses.

Macquarie Superannuation customers have money tied up in the Shield Master Fund.

Macquarie customer funds caught up in Keystone asset freeze

Customers using its online trading platform Wrap are caught up in ASIC’s investigation of Keystone Asset Management and the freezing of its funds’ assets.

May 2024

 The Di Petta’s collection of Ford Mustang muscle cars, such as these examples pictured, were frozen by the court.

ATO freezes former Young Rich Lister’s muscle cars, mansion

The flamboyant accountant Steve Di Petta, who has a penchant for Ford Mustangs, is facing allegations he and his wife owe the Tax Office over $3 million.

Care A2 Plus was one of a small number of overseas infant formula producers allowed to import into the United States.

Care A2 Plus lender applies to wind up baby formula minnow

Care A2 Plus faces the prospect of being wound up due to a long-running dispute with a lender who alleged the infant formula manufacturer defaulted on a $2.2 million loan.

April 2024

Rowena Orr is best known for her role in the Hayne royal commission.

Banking royal commission star Rowena Orr joins the bench

Rowena Orr, who came to prominence during the Hayne royal commission, has been appointed to the Victorian Court of Appeal.

James Mawhinney on Tuesday.

Mayfair 101’s James Mawhinney arrested on dishonest conduct charges

The fund promoter appeared in a Melbourne court on Tuesday. His group of companies has already been fined $30 million for misleading and deceptive conduct.

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