
Tax minimisation


How to plan for retirement as a business owner

Business owners need to think about retirement well in advance so they can navigate the tax implications of selling a business.

The fairest approach is to increase the $80,000 in line with the consumer price index.

What’s the fairest way to give my kids money for a house deposit?

Gifting equally is likely to reduce the risk of resentment and family conflict.


What the ATO wants to know about your family’s succession plan

The founders of some of the nation’s most successful family business will soon turn 70, and the ATO wants to know what comes next.

Avoiding tax traps of succession planning

The ATO has telegraphed an interest in the intergenerational wealth transfer, which means taxpayers are probably getting something wrong.

December 2024

Capital gains benefit spikes to $22.7b as property investors sell out

Treasury estimates forgone taxes from the capital gains tax discount in 2024-25 have more than doubled since the last estimate in February 2023.

Labor has curtailed plans to make public a database of beneficial owners.

Secret shareholder register overhauled amid privacy fears

A plan to expose the secret beneficial owners of three million unlisted companies and trusts has been overhauled due to fears of identity theft and cybercrime.

November 2024

Super recontributions are growing in popularity.

This super loophole can create tax-free money for the kids 

There has been a surge in the number of people using so-called recontribution strategies, which allow older Australians to wash tax from super inheritances.

August 2024

A group of financial advice and accounting industry lobbyists say farmers may be forced to sell property under Labor’s current tax proposals.

This simple change could solve Labor’s super tax problem

Financial advisers and accountants have launched a united front in trying to get Labor to drop the controversial policy increasing the tax paid by the richest super fund members.

In Switzerland, about 4500 foreigners have individually negotiated tax arrangements with the state.

The global rich are moving in search of lower taxes

A record 128,000 millionaires are expected to relocate this year, the consequence of a global realignment of how the wealthy are taxed.

Beware GST payable on small second homes.

The ATO has this overlooked property tax in its crosshairs

Small-scale property developers need to be aware that GST is applicable in certain circumstances. Read the 10 tips for mum and dad developers.

July 2024


How to beat the ‘death tax’ set to increase cost of dying by 650pc

The cash-strapped Victorian government wants to increase probate fees. Here’s how much you might have to pay – and strategies for avoiding the hit.

Four ways to build wealth with your tax cuts

Whether you’re trying to pay off your mortgage early or boost your super, put your extra income to good use.

June 2024

Schweppes Australia made around $240 million in payments during the 2018 and 2019 financial years to PepsiCo Beverage Singapore.

Pepsi beats ATO on appeal over royalty taxes

Attempts to reel in multinationals using complex deals and structures to minimise tax have been dealt a blow after the beverage giant challenged its tax bill.

Eight ways to squeeze more into super – which ones are you using?

A couple employing just four of these methods could boost their retirement savings by almost $5 million.

Only two out of 10 have super as their main retirement income during their 70s.

The three types of people most likely to avoid high-end super tax

A new study shows a quarter of high-income earners tweak their finances to minimise the tax they pay on superannuation, and they are mostly self-employed, trust beneficiaries and women.


May 2024

Treasurer Jim Chalmers.

‘Super-sized hole’ in budget as Treasury revises tax take

Treasury has cut $11 billion from its four-year estimates of revenue from superannuation taxes, as “overly large tax concessions” keep benefiting the richest retirees.

The tax bill for Gordon Merchant’s companies increased by $30 million.

Following EY tax advice cost Billabong founder $50m

A Federal Court judge found there were no logical reasons for transactions undertaken by Gordon Merchant, other than to minimise his tax.

Rebates are expected to increase by $2.6 billion over five years.

R&D tax incentive to blow out by $2.6b

Tax breaks for companies and superannuation payments for veterans and public servants have overshot expectations, adding billions in costs to the budget.

Greens senator Nick McKim is pushing for extra tax on high super balances to kick in at $2 million.

Greens demand $2m threshold for super wealth tax

The Greens have a new list of demands in exchange for their support on Labor’s new tax on high balance super accounts.

The potential tax hit is alarming wealthy super savers and forcing some to rethink their strategies.

How the $3m super tax whack might hit property investors

Plans to tax unrealised gains on super balances have investors considering options. Here’s what calculations show about the potential impact of the tax.

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