
Penny Wise

This Month

Helping kids onto the property ladder can be tricky.

We’re helping our son buy a home with his girlfriend. What if they split?

Giving your kids a hand to get on the property ladder can be complicated if there’s another party involved.

The rules for professional services partners and high-earning employees are different when it comes to using family trusts for income.

I’m a high earner. Can I use a family trust to lower my income tax?

The rules for professional services partners and high-earning employees are different when it comes to using family trusts for income.


At your age, you must draw a minimum of 5 per cent of your balance, and that will increase as you get older.

We have $4m in super. How much can we safely spend each year?

Nobody knows how long they will live, which is what makes budgeting in retirement so tricky.

The fairest approach is to increase the $80,000 in line with the consumer price index.

What’s the fairest way to give my kids money for a house deposit?

Gifting equally is likely to reduce the risk of resentment and family conflict.

November 2024

“I have yet to meet any individual who has the wish to leave their hard-earned assets to the state,” lawyer Suzie Willis says.

My brother died without a will. Will the government take his money?

Intestacy laws direct that the estate is to be distributed among family members, starting with partners and children.


October 2024


Financial advice is expensive – is it tax-deductible?

A change from the ATO has broadened the tax-deductibility of some financial advice fees, which should make seeing an adviser for the first time a bit cheaper.

Australia and New Zealand have very different rules for capital gains tax.

How will the ATO view an inheritance from New Zealand?

Estate planning can be difficult for those with family ties on both sides of the Tasman.

If the goal is also financial education, a low-limit credit card may be best.

My son is off to uni. Should I give him a credit card for emergencies?

Set clear guidelines around what constitutes an emergency. Does a late-night taxi ride home from the pub qualify?

September 2024

Accessing your super early to save your business is probably illegal.

Can I access my super to save my business?

Using your superannuation for anything other than its intended purpose – your retirement – can be a legal minefield.

Running an SMSF takes time and commitment.

We have $360,000 in super. Are we wealthy enough for an SMSF?

There has been much debate about the appropriate dollar threshold for do-it-yourself super.

August 2024

The absence of a credit score is not an automatic dealbreaker.

Can I get a mortgage without a credit score?

Credit scores are a shortcut used by credit providers to assess your history in repaying debt. But what happens if you don’t have one?

Help! My parents want to invite 20 of their friends to our wedding

What to do when mum and dad help out financially but expand the guest list beyond your comfort zone.

While it’s technically possible for someone to pay no income tax, it’s highly unlikely.

Is it possible to pay no income tax?

It is nonsensical to spend money just to get a tax deduction because you’re still out of pocket.

July 2024

Over the past five years, financial advice fees have risen nearly 60 per cent.

Not rich enough! Why my financial adviser dumped me

Half a million Australians have been ‘sacked’ by their financial planners as firms clamour to win wealthier clients.

We inherited dad’s house in the UK – where to pay capital gains tax?

Sisters who moved countries find tax and administration penalties could eat into their inheritance.

Changes to responsible lending policies in 2020 mean banks are casting a tougher eye over expenses like online gambling and BNPL accounts.

What’s worse for a mortgage application: a gambling or BNPL account?

If you want to buy a house, lenders will go through your expenses with a fine-tooth comb – and Sportsbet and Afterpay accounts can be red flags.

June 2024

I’ve saved $50,000 but have a large HECS debt – what should I do?

Banks do take tuition debt into consideration when assessing mortgage applications.

Can I do anything to maximise my tax return this close to June 30?

Though the end of the financial year is just days away, there are still some last-minute ways small businesses can reduce their tax liabilities.

Life coach Margot Krekeler says downsizing requires significant physical, mental, and emotional effort.

The four biggest mistakes downsizers make, according to this expert

Many people overestimate how much they will have left over after downsizing, but smaller doesn’t necessarily mean cheaper.

May 2024

Aligning risk appetite can be tricky.

I’m a risk-taker but he plays it safe. How do we invest as a couple?

Mismatched risk appetite is a common problem in relationships. How can couples get over this hurdle when investing together?

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