
Darren Chester

June 2024

Morwell manufacturing manager Peter Ceeney says the Latrobe Valley is screaming out for more jobs and he doesn’t mind if they come through nuclear or renewables.

Towns at ground zero say if nuclear means jobs, bring it on

People in Morwell and Traralgon, at ground zero of the nuclear debate, say the need for new jobs could win them over to Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy plans.

March 2024

The universities accord has the strong backing of several teals, including (from left) Allegra Spender, Monique Ryan and Zoe Daniel.

University reforms get thumbs up from teals, Nationals

The ambitious 25-year plan to double the number of people with a degree has found many fans in Canberra.

December 2023

Peter Dutton and Anthony Albanese.

MPs drop $30m on expenses in three months

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese led the pack, spending $684,665 between July and September 2022, newly released data show.

May 2023

Anthony Albanese has counselled the federal Opposition against attacking the Victorian state budget.

Attack Andrews at your peril, Albanese warns Liberals

Anthony Albanese has reminded the Coalition of the consequences of criticising the Victorian premier.

May 2022

Peter Dutton.

Dutton leaves open blocking Labor climate policies

The next opposition leader said the price and reliability of energy was his key focus, amid jockeying in the Nationals over who will lead the junior Coalition party.

Bernie Finn on the steps of Parliament amongst his supporters after being kicked out of the Liberal party.

Expelled anti-abortion MP declares Liberal values ‘dead’

Expelled Victorian Liberal MP Bernie Finn has declared Liberal values “dead” after being kicked out over his controversial comments including that he was “praying” for abortion to be banned in Australia.

October 2021

Federal Agriculture Minister David Littleproud says farmers will be rewarded for helping achieve net zero

‘Carrots, not sticks’ to drive net zero plan

Modelling commissioned by the government points to a boost in the economy and job creation, much of it concentrated in the regions.

June 2021

Barnaby Joyce has returned as Nationals leader after 39 months on the backbench.

Barnaby 2.0: ‘It’s gonna be a wild ride’

While some Liberals believe Joyce could win extra seats in the regions, others fear the damage he could cause in the cities.

Losing the comradeship is actually part of the trauma of war.

We’re not just saving veterans; we might be saving ourselves

Former soldiers are often traumatised by the loss of tribal identity they suffer. But that is a problem in our wider society as well.

February 2020

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce says US attempts to extradite Julian Assange test "the essence of sovereignty".

Coalition chaos as Joyce mounts challenge and Canavan quits

The hostilities tearing apart the Nationals reached the point of no return as Barnaby Joyce mounted his challenge to depose Michael McCormack and Matt Canavan quit cabinet.

January 2020

Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie may try to drag the PM's office into the grants scandal.

Sport Australia complained about political interference

As more evidence of the sport rorts affair emerged, Liberals believe that the disruption caused by removing Bridget McKenzie would be minimised by sharing her current roles among colleagues.

Bridget McKenzie may not go quietly, her colleagues warn.

MPs warn of repercussions if McKenzie is dumped

Dumping Bridget McKenzie could further destabilise the Coalition, Nationals warn, as well as implicate the Prime Minister's office.

Locals and residents seek refuge on the Mallacoota wharf on New Years Eve.

Helicopters and navy poised to rescue Mallacoota residents

Black Hawk helicopters and two naval ships are preparing to rescue those trapped in Mallacoota, Victoria.

November 2019

Heloise Pratt, Gina Rinehart and Fiona Geminder at Mumm.

At the Cup, camera-shyness the order of the day

Though of course, not everyone cares what shareholders or inner-city types think.

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