
Nuclear energy


Peter Dutton, Nationals Leader David Littleproud, and Angus Taylor in Googong, NSW on Thursday.

‘Folly’: Littleproud brushes aside Qld LNP’s nuclear stance

Nuclear energy was the elephant in the room at the LNP convention in Brisbane on Saturday, where Peter Dutton forged ahead with the pitch.

  • Updated
  • James Hall

This Month

Levy on coal, gas and iron ore exporters could save AUKUS subs

Readers’ letters on saving submarines; the consumer data right; responsibility for scams; renewables’ potential; opportunities for independents; and the UK election.

Prime Minister Robert Menzies launches Australia’s first nuclear reactor,  HIFAR, on April 18, 1958.

Why we need to have a genuine look at nuclear energy

Nuclear energy is the kind of nation building policy we need when our lucky country’s luck is running out.

  • Georgina Downer
Former NBN boss Mike Quigley.

Labor appoints former NBN boss as nuclear head

Mike Quigley has been appointed as the head of the federal government’s peak nuclear organisation.

  • John Kehoe
Nuclear power would cost households at least $200 more a year says Rod Sims.

There is a respectable economic argument for nationalised nuclear

The bottom line is that there are sound public choice arguments for the government to build and own nuclear power plants.

  • Sinclair Davidson


Installing nuclear power wouldn’t much reduce the need for a massive build-out in wind and solar generation, BNEF said.

Nuclear power would do little to reduce need for renewables: report

The task of reaching a net-zero emissions power sector is “Herculean” but can be done without nuclear.

  • Angela Macdonald-Smith
If Peter Dutton had been in the market for unambiguously popular policies he would have picked a different topic.

Nuclear should fire Coalition’s Fightback!

Finding the same combination of politics and principle on other policies might be the start of a strategy to win, not necessarily the next election – but the one after that.

  • John Roskam
Bran Black says all investments must be expert-led, open and transparency and “unimpeachably independent”.

Future Made in Australia Act needs guardrails against waste: BCA

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plans will scuttle the green energy objectives of the Future Made in Australia Act, the PM warns.

  • Ronald Mizen and Phillip Coorey
Nuclear plant under construction in the UK: Australia may be already too late to follow.

Nuclear power deserves a fair hearing

The opposition and the government fail to answer critical questions on their respective nuclear stances. It is time to get the experts in.

  • Bruce Mountain
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange arrives at a US court in Saipan, flanked by former Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd.

Assange on way to Australia after US plea deal

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has pleaded guilty to publishing US military secrets; deputy PM rules out expelling WA Labor senator. Follow here for more. Watch live.

  • Tom Rabe
Peter Dutton’s leadership on nuclear will boost the nation.

Dutton leads us forward with nuclear power push

Letters from readers on Peter Dutton’s nuclear energy policy; the sale of gas to Japan; Labor’s code of conduct for supermarkets; and the damage caused by social media

We must repeal legislation preventing the use of nuclear energy in Australia and we need to seriously address energy market design.

My nuclear talk was cancelled. Here is what I would have said.

My presentation to Engineers Australia would have outlined why a nuclear-based energy system would cost consumers half as much with four times fewer emissions.

  • Robert Parker
Then-opposition leader Tony Abbott during the 2010 election campaign.

Peter Dutton could do an Abbott with time, if not God, on his side

With his nuclear power policy threatening inner-city seats, the opposition leader’s likely path to power is over two elections.

  • Aaron Patrick
Peter Dutton is proposing seven nuclear plants in Coalition electorates.

Peter Dutton’s nuclear plan just a new ideological front

Letters from readers on the Coalition’s proposal for nuclear power, the Armaguard cash deal, the plan to rein in supermarket power, and military recruitment.

Matt Kean, Energy Minister Chris Bowen and Prime Minister Anthony Albanese at a press conference on Monday.

Labor’s new climate chief Matt Kean says nuclear not viable

Anthony Albanese has announced Matt Kean as the next chairman of the Climate Change Authority, but again refused to commit to announcing its recommended 2035 target.

  • Phillip Coorey
Peter Dutton has a fight on his hands to convince voters of his nuclear power plans.

Most readers oppose nuclear on economic, technical grounds

More than half surveyed readers oppose Peter Dutton’s plan to build nuclear reactors in Australia by 2050, citing concerns over the Liberals’ uncosted plan.

  • Edmund Tadros
Paul Keating, known for his biting insults, issued his statement calling Dutton a “charlatan” a day after the opposition leader made a strikingly personal attack on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.

Keating labels Dutton ‘a charlatan and climate change denialist’

The former prime minister accused the Coalition leader of seeking to “camouflage” his “long held climate denialism” in an industrial fantasy of nuclear energy.

  • Ronald Mizen
Peter Dutton is proposing seven nuclear plants in Coalition electorates.

Nuclear debate can change the nation

Letters from readers on Peter Dutton’s nuclear push and gas exports.

If you need external validation of these basic economics, look no further than the opposition’s own announcement.

Nuclear is unviable because of economics, not engineering

Even if all that mattered was the cheapest possible energy that meets minimum levels of reliability and emissions, the Coalition’s plan fails.

  • Steven Hamilton and Luke Heeney
Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen.

Labor’s $40b renewables bid attracts massive industry support

Energy Minister Chris Bowen will on Monday reveal the first auction for 6 gigawatts of renewable energy received bids from more than 100 projects covering more than 40 gigawatts of renewable energy production.

  • Ronald Mizen

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