
Paris Agreement

This Month

Australia faces higher power costs.

Energy transition will cost much more than politicians are pretending

The brutal reality is that taxpayers and consumers will be on the hook for much higher costs under a renewable or nuclear energy system.

  • John Kehoe
Donald Trump looks closer to the White House than ever after Joe Biden’s stumbling performance.

A resurgent Trump will have consequences for Australia

Trump 2.0 will pile rising expectations in Washington on Australia’s military readiness and on its strategic minerals. But that’s just the start.

  • Patrick Gibbons


Three big challenges for Australia’s net-zero transition

Addressing the missing middle, allaying community concerns and more government cooperation will all be critical to the future of the net-zero transition, according to energy experts.

  • Ronald Mizen

The big equity problem in household EV charging

Gavin Dufty, executive manager of policy and research at the St Vincent de Paul Society, says the current electricity tariff system is not fit-for-purpose when it comes to EV charging.

  • Ronald Mizen
Nuclear plant under construction in the UK: Australia may be already too late to follow.

Nuclear power deserves a fair hearing

The opposition and the government fail to answer critical questions on their respective nuclear stances. It is time to get the experts in.

  • Bruce Mountain
Peter Dutton has announced his nuclear reactor idea, but has yet to reveal how much it would cost.

Coalition’s taxpayer-funded nuclear con a road to ruin

We estimate that the fiscal damage would be in the order of a minimum $100 billion “nuke builder” tax, but likely considerably more given the international experience.

  • Tim Buckley and Annemarie Jonson
Very few companies are hitting their emission targets.

Why top companies are starting to back away from green targets

In the past year, many of the world’s biggest companies have dropped or missed goals to cut emissions or to loosen ties with polluting sectors.

  • Kenza Bryan and Attracta Mooney
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton and energy spokesman Ted O’Brien need to sell nuclear power to Australians.

Nuclear frisson: get ready for the Ted and Chris show

The latest chapter in the nation’s climate wars pits the little-known and mild-mannered O’Brien against one of Labor’s biggest attack dogs, Energy Minister Chris Bowen.

  • Andrew Tillett

Nuclear to wreak ‘catastrophic damage’ on renewable energy

Clean investor groups say the Coalition’s scheme will take too long, cost too much, and is incompatible with timely and cost-efficient energy transition.

  • Elouise Fowler
Peter Dutton is proposing seven nuclear plants in Coalition electorates.

End the nuclear ban. Don’t stop renewables

There is a case for considering zero emissions nuclear power but as part of a technology-neutral energy approach to generating reliable baseload power and firmed wind and solar generation.

  • The AFR View
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton wants to introduce nuclear power generation in Australia.

Cancelled nuclear talk enrages politicians and engineers

There’s been a revolt against Engineers Australia over cancelling a speech by a nuclear scientist after a pressure from renewables backer Simon Holmes à Court.

  • John Kehoe
The glee with which the government greeted Peter Dutton’s remark that the Coalition wouldn’t commit to emissions reduction targets by 2030 was a little forced.

No truth in claim Dutton needs net zero to win teal seats

When the reality of the energy transition dawns on the Australian public, the Coalition will be able to get away with leaving the Paris Agreement.

  • John Roskam
Anthony Albanese and Peter Dutton have butted heads on climate targets.

Climate targets in doubt but is it a reason to stop trying?

Abandoning the 2030 target is a calculated risk for the Coalition given it lost six blue-ribbon seats to the teals at the last election.

  • Phillip Coorey
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has slammed the opposition for “walking away” from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

‘No going back to the climate wars’, business warns Coalition

Business groups have urged the Coalition not to dump the legislated carbon emissions reduction target for 2030 and unleash a new wave of investor uncertainty.

  • Phillip Coorey
Peter Dutton

AFR readers back Dutton’s assessment of climate targets

Almost 70 per cent of readers believe Australia is unlikely to meet its “aggressive” emissions reductions targets.

  • Maxim Shanahan
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese slammed the opposition for “walking away” from the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Dutton worse than Morrison on climate change, says PM

Anthony Albanese has accused the opposition of putting Australia’s international reputation at risk by abandoning the 2030 net-zero targets.

  • Poppy Johnston
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton would pull Australian out of the Paris Agreement if elected.

Peter Dutton’s climate move a ‘big mistake’: Labor MP

A pledge by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to dump Australia’s legally binding climate targets has been labelled a “big mistake”.

  • Updated
  • Tess Ikonomou
David Atkin says Australia should not “cherry pick” the sustainability reporting standards.

Australia is ‘cherry-picking’ sustainability reporting standards

It is one of few jurisdictions that has agreed to apply new reporting standards only partially, says former super fund chief David Atkin.

  • Sally Patten
Alexis Cheang is the head of investment stewardship for TCorp.

Investors ought to show fossil fuel companies ‘understanding’: TCorp

The journey to net zero is ‘riddled with uncertainty’ and investors need to have some sympathy for companies, ESG executive Alexis Cheang says.

  • Ronald Mizen and Joanna Mather


Critics of the Albanese government’s gas strategy seem content for governments to prolong the lives of coal-fired power stations at taxpayers’ expense.

Gas critics are signing up for coal and candles

The climate movement needs to ask itself what is worse: gas in the new energy mix, or coal that lingers for longer.

  • Craig Emerson

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