Surprise birthday lunch led to minister’s downfall for car misuse
NSW minister Rose Jackson says she did not ask colleague Jo Haylen why they were using a government car to go to lunch because she was excited by the surprise.
NSW minister quits over car use scandal
For two days NSW Premier Chris Minns backed Transport Minister Jo Haylen over using a government car for private trips. But one more journey was a bridge too far.
Minister’s car use may have included 137km weekend sport drop-off
NSW Transport Minister Jo Haylen has apologised over use of a driver to attend a Hunter Valley lunch as Premier Chris Minns has rejected calls for her resignation.
Acting Vic premier takes swipe at Pallas over $73k trip to Europe
Documents reveal former treasurer Tim Pallas billed taxpayers nearly $73,000 for a 16-day trip to Europe just two months before he resigned.
November 2024
We all love an upgrade, but MPs need their wings clipped: AFR readers
Readers raised concerns about conflicts of interest, as the scandal engulfing Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and his Qantas perks spread to the Coalition.
October 2024
PM in tangle over Qantas lounge plus ones
Both Anthony Albanese’s fiancee and son are members of Qantas’ exclusive Chairman’s Lounge despite the prime minister saying his son was effectively his “plus one”.
December 2023
MPs drop $30m on expenses in three months
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese led the pack, spending $684,665 between July and September 2022, newly released data show.
August 2023
IT bungle keeps MPs’ expenses unknown for two years
A botched upgrade to a system for reporting MPs’ expenses has meant no reports published for a year, with the backlog not expected to clear until mid-2024.
December 2020
Labor's Burke repays $8600 for Uluru family flights
The repayment to the Finance Department ends a long-running controversy for the opposition frontbencher.
November 2020
How Gary Johns became a $250,000 charity case
Why claim relocation costs when you can fly business class to Melbourne every week?
January 2020
George Christensen repays $2K travel costs
The Queensland MP, dubbed the member for Manila, has been under fire for spending 294 days in the Philippines between 2014 and 2018.
September 2019
ScoMo dubs his new plane 'Shark One'
The RAAF's new prime ministerial jet makes its debut on ScoMo's trip to the US next week.