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Quince curd

Quince curd can be used in a similar way to lemon curd.
Quince curd can be used in a similar way to lemon curd.Marcel Aucar

Quinces are too tart to eat raw but when cooked with sugar and other aromatics they take on a beautiful flavour and perfume - a mix of apple and pear. This curd recipe is a delicious alternative to lemon curd and can be enjoyed in a similar way.



  • 400g quinces, peeled, cored and cut into small pieces

  • 4 eggs

  • 150g unrefined castor sugar

  • pinch salt

  • 65ml lemon juice

  • 75g unsalted butter, cut into small pieces


  1. Place chopped quince in a medium saucepan and cover with cold water, bring to boil and cook until quinces are soft.

    Drain cooked quince and puree while warm to a smooth pulp.

    Scrape warm quince puree into a heatproof bowl, and rest bowl on a saucepan of simmering water. Make sure the bowl does not touch the water.

    As the puree heats, whisk together eggs, sugar, salt and lemon juice in a separate bowl.

    Add egg mixture to puree in the double boiler and cook the mixture for about 20 minutes, or until it has thickened. Stir occasionally and do not overheat; overheated eggs could cause the curd to curdle.

    Once cooked, cool slightly then add the cold butter and mix until butter dissolves and curd takes on a shiny gloss.

    Let cool completely, then store in a clean jar in the fridge for up to two weeks.

    Frank's tip: To stop quinces from discolouring, keep them in water with a squeeze of lemon.

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