

Swimmers beware: Great White near

Swimmers beware: Great White near

MAKE no mistake, Jaws is out there. And we have a picture to prove it. Weighing a whopping 1600kg, this great white’s lurking in waters too close for comfort.

Why bats are falling from the sky

Why bats are falling from the sky

IT’S like we’re in one of Alfred Hitchcock’s terrifying thought bubbles. You know, he’s that guy who did The Birds. Bats are falling to the ground and dying all around us.

Rudolph caught red-nosed

Rudolph caught red-nosed

RUDOLPH’S glowing red nose has long captured the imaginations of children worldwide – and now it’s been caught on camera for all to see.

Fisherman catches 362kg monster

Fisherman catches 362kg monster

IT’S big, it’s old and it’s scaly. But little else is known about this Florida fisherman’s catch of a lifetime which he described as ‘a dinosaur.’

Want to own a woolly mammoth?

Want to own a woolly mammoth?

EVER wanted to own a priceless artefact or know what a supernova feels like? See how one museum is bringing history to the future and your home using 3D printing.

A dog really did eat my homework

A dog really did eat my homework

IT’S the oldest line in the book – the dog ate my homework – but in this case it was true. The culinary adventure just didn’t end very well for Reggie the labrador.

What does the Koala say?

What does the Koala say?

WE all know what the fox says but what about the Koala? This fluffy marsupial might look cute on the outside but wait until you hear the noise it makes.

Anger at TV host’s corpse pics

Anger at TV host’s corpse pics

THIS woman loves hunting animals and posting pictures with their dead carcasses. At least, she did — until the internet got wind of it. WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES

Baby, the very sweary cockatoo

Baby, the very sweary cockatoo

NOBODY puts this Baby in a corner. After being rescued and adopted by a new family this cockatoo bought with him some bad habits including a vicious temper and filthy mouth.

Cute deer survives arrow to head

Cute deer survives arrow to head

A HUNTER’S arrow was no match for this incredible foal. The five-month-old is back in the wild now after surgery to remove an arrow that went straight through his head. Warning: Graphic picture.

Is your cat cheating on you?

Is your cat cheating on you?

THEY are secretive, unloving, one of the most selfish creatures on Earth. Now we really know what the cat gets up to when you’re not around.

Snake massage

Snakes set off alarm in brain

SNAKES arouse sharp fear in monkeys, apes and humans due to specific brain cells that fire off a rapid warning for slithery danger, scientists have found.

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