Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! Mosquitonado!
YOU’VE seen tornadoes, sharknados and firenados. Now we bring you the scariest ’nado of them all. This thing is ridiculously horrible and nasty. It is also real.
YOU’VE seen tornadoes, sharknados and firenados. Now we bring you the scariest ’nado of them all. This thing is ridiculously horrible and nasty. It is also real.
CELEBRITY fitness trainer Michelle Bridges has been given a tongue-in-cheek challenge by farming bodies: let’s film you all day and see how you like it.
UNWANTED, unemployed, running amok … then ending up as roadkill. Aussie expats are in trouble overseas — and they can’t fly home.
A NEW hi-tech buoy is able to detect sharks and warn swimmers before it gets near a beach.
COAST guards were given a fright when they found a fisherman locked in the jaws of a four-metre croc in the Philippines.
EVEN flies need a moment to reflect. Researchers have found that the insects gather information like humans to make rational decisions.
A WOMAN who smuggled a 50-kilogram lion cub onto a sleeper train claiming it was a domestic cat is being questioned by police.
A TINKERBELL Fairyfly, an Olinguito, a Skeleton Shrimp – these are just three of this year’s newly discovered species.
THE bulls fought back — seriously. They skewered all the matadors and forced the cancellation of Spain’s famous event. WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES.
WHEN you come home from a long day at work and confide all your worries in your pooch, he or she looks back with such understanding eyes. But do they actually understand you?
A WOMAN who was attacked by a brown bear while out jogging in Alaska managed to stagger, bleeding, for 3km to find help.
SCIENTISTS and the public are eagerly following a great white shark named “Katharine” as she swims up the US coastline.
IT’S one of the last things you would expect to do with a chicken, but one university professor wants to do it.
WATCH these beagle pups take their first steps into the outside world after spending their lives locked away for animal testing.
A FISHERMAN got the shock of his life when instead of finding a catfish on the end of his line, he hauled in a prehistoric-looking alligator snapping turtle.
IT’S panda-monium in pet shops in China as dogs that are primped and preened to look like the country’s unique and rare bears become all the rage.
TURNS out there was something even more freaky caught along with the now-famous goblin shark.
YOU’VE heard the one about the poisonous daddy-long-legs or how frogs give you warts but the fact is they’re all a load of nonsense. We uncover some other common animal myths.
A VERY rare megamouth shark, so called because of its giant head and the enormous capacity of its mouth, has been hauled from the ocean off Japan.
INCREDIBLE footage has emerged of a great white shark taking chunks out of a film crew’s inflatable rubber boat, leaving it to slowly sink.
AN Alaska hunter killed a grizzly bear which stood almost three metres tall, the largest ever bagged.
WHAT on Earth is this? A Florida shrimper got the shock of his life when this gruesome — and extremely rare — deep sea creature came up with his catch.
MONKEYS stolen from a British zoo in what police said appeared to be a “planned and pre-meditated” break-in have been found.
A DEAD Minke whale that washed ashore in New Jersey suffered some further indignity: someone tagged it with graffiti.
A DEAD Minke whale that washed ashore in New Jersey suffered some further indignity: someone tagged it with graffiti.
THE first time this unsuspecting warthog walked into a lion’s den it had a lucky escape. But he foolishly walked back into the den… Check out the amazing pics.
THE first time this unsuspecting warthog walked into a lion’s den it had a lucky escape. But he foolishly walked back into the den… Check out the amazing pics.
DON’T stand too close. Residents fear a 60,000kg whale that washed up near the boardwalk on a small Canadian town will blow up at any moment.
A NEW graphic reveals the world’s 15 deadliest animals. And while sharks might terrify us, the biggest killers lurk much closer to home.
A BEEKEEPER says honey production has gone through the roof after he fitted out his trusted donkey with his own beekeeping suit.
PEOPLE who eat rare wild animals like giant pandas and golden monkeys will now face jail time, under new laws in China.
THE wife of a man who died after a vicious swan attack is suing his employer and the apartment complex where he looked after the birds.
SCIENTISTS have finally identified the source of strange “duck-like quacks” first heard in the Southern Ocean off Australia 50 years ago.
A 3M CROC has lurked dangerously close to shore at a Darwin city beach – with one bloke playing chicken to keep it there until rangers arrived.
A PET-OWNER in England has tried crowdfunding to raise money for an operation to relieve his tortoise’s painful swollen penis.
IT’S a battle for your biscuits — and your flour, pasta and breakfast cereal — and the enemy is lurking in your pantry right now.
A HUGE orang-utan has undergone an operation in an Indonesian clinic to remove metal pellets — fired by a poacher — from the primate’s backside.
A SNAKE has been found with a centipede’s head sticking out of its body in what seems to be a last-ditch attempt for survival by the little critter.
IS there a deadly virus on the loose? Over 2000 samples of SARS have mysteriously gone missing from a high-security laboratory in Paris.
WE’VE always been told we swallow spiders while we sleep, right? But do we actually inadvertently invite those eight-legged freaks to dinner?
MAKE no mistake, Jaws is out there. And we have a picture to prove it. Weighing a whopping 1600kg, this great white’s lurking in waters too close for comfort.
A WOMAN was mauled by five black bears after she discovered them rooting through the rubbish bins in her garage.
NOW that’s a wingman! A parrot has come to the rescue of its owner by bravely fighting off an attacker and making him take flight.
STOP flapping your hands in frustration and find a better weapon — this is why you can’t swipe the insect world’s Top Gun.
HAS this man managed to capture a group of the mythical creatures with his camera or is he spinning us a tale?
THOUGHT they were for camouflage? It’s not as black and white as that with new research claiming to solve one of nature’s most beautiful riddles.
AS SCIENTISTS look for non-addictive alternatives for pain medications they have struck on an unlikely solution.
WHOA! It’s the heavyweight reptile battle to end them all. This python saw this crocodile and decided he’d make a good feed. Who won?
BUGS, flies and cockroaches are providing scientists with inspirational designs to help build the future of vehicles, robotics and safety.
THE Belgium prime minister turned out to meet two giant pandas on loan from China. But the pandas seemed more interested in what he had in his hand.
REINDEER are getting glittering antler makeover in a bid to stop fatal car crashes in Finland.
A BABY elephant walk took an unexpected turn when the little cutie tumbled down a railway embankment and had to be rescued by locals.
TOURISTS have told of their shock and horror after they witnessed a man climbing into a tiger enclosure at the zoo.
THE roots of rhythm may go way back but the ability to keep a beat is a quality unique to humans… with a few rare exceptions.
WHY did the Nazis need to study insects? And why were mosquitos put through gruelling endurance tests?
THE bodies of around 400 dolphins that washed up on beaches in Peru last month have left experts baffled.
NOW that’s cool! We thought cockroaches we’re nature’s hardest but this ‘super leech’ has the extraordinary ability to survive extreme cold.
A BABY gorilla initially raised by humans acting as surrogate parents is thriving as she reaches her first birthday.
THE flappy skin on the turkey’s face and throat could help save human lives in a terror attack or a chemical spill – or maybe even from cancer.
A SCHOOL of piranha-like fish has injured at least 10 people bathing in an Argentine river, including children who lost parts of their toes.
GREEN sea turtles remain a rare sight in many parts of the world, but one Indonesian island is being overrun by far too many.
A NEW study appears to confirm that friendships are forged at mealtimes, at least for our closest living relatives.
HUNTER Corey Knowlton has defended buying a permit to kill one of the fewer than 5000 black rhinoceroses left on the planet.
WHEN most people see two adult lionesses running towards them at full speed, they’d get the hell out of there. But not Kevin Richardson – he waits for a hug.
INDIA is scrambling to protect its tiger population after big cats tested positive for a virus common among dogs but deadly to other carnivores.
TWO conjoined gray whale calves found in a Mexico lagoon have been hailed as “exceptionally rare” by scientists.
A PREHISTORIC fish that inhabits the waters off Australia evolves even slower than a creature that is famed as a “living fossil”.
IT’S like we’re in one of Alfred Hitchcock’s terrifying thought bubbles. You know, he’s that guy who did The Birds. Bats are falling to the ground and dying all around us.
HAS Bigfoot finally been found? An American hunter claims to have proof he has killed the mythical beast once and for all.
RUDOLPH’S glowing red nose has long captured the imaginations of children worldwide – and now it’s been caught on camera for all to see.
EVER seen the scales on a butterfly? Check out these amazing photos that capture the details of nature’s smallest animals, insects and plants.
LIVING to the ripe old age of 500 might be a possibility if what works for worms can apply to humans, a study has shown.
THIS hunter only had deer in his sights. But when one clueless (or ballsy) little dude walked right up to him, he had to hold his fire. Then it made a move for the rifle.
WE MAY think we’re top dog on Planet Earth but a new study shows humans are a long way down the food chain, right by anchovies!
SHARK attacks are shocking. But statistically speaking, there are many other things more likely to cause a violent death. Like cows.
A BRAZEN bird has snatched a video camera that was recording crocs in WA and captured fascinating footage of its 110km journey.
A STUDY has confirmed what cat lovers have long suspected: cats know when their owner is calling them, they just don’t care.
IT’S big, it’s old and it’s scaly. But little else is known about this Florida fisherman’s catch of a lifetime which he described as ‘a dinosaur.’
EVER wanted to own a priceless artefact or know what a supernova feels like? See how one museum is bringing history to the future and your home using 3D printing.
IT’S the oldest line in the book – the dog ate my homework – but in this case it was true. The culinary adventure just didn’t end very well for Reggie the labrador.
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