Why this beach glowed blue last night
MANLY’S waves glowed an eerie electric blue last night thanks to bioluminescence in a curious creature called a dinoflagellate. What’s it all mean?
MANLY’S waves glowed an eerie electric blue last night thanks to bioluminescence in a curious creature called a dinoflagellate. What’s it all mean?
THE gruesome discovery of two headless seals on a South Australian beach has prompted an investigation.
A SNAKE came back from the dead to deliver a deadly bite to a chef, twenty minutes after he had chopped its head off.
THIS gorgeous baby Western lowland gorilla is being hand-reared by vets at Oklahoma City Zoo after her mother abandoned her.
BILLIONS of jellyfish-like creatures have washed up on numerous beaches on the West Coast of America, baffling scientists and locals alike.
A NEWBORN has multiple fractures after a camel clamped its mouth over his head at a circus.
STUNG by criticism of its treatment of killer whales, SeaWorld says it will build larger environments at its theme parks.
DOLPHINS and whales literally squeal with pleasure, according to scientists who claim to have shown that the sound expresses cries of delight.
A POLAR bear believed to be the last in Africa has died at a South African zoo, a few months after his long-time mate passed away.
THEY’RE the deep ocean’s creepy critters, and the world pays attention when one emerges. Here are the freakiest of the freaky. WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES
A GIANT panda lent by China to Edinburgh Zoo could produce a hoped-for cub by the end of the month.
HOLY mola! A super rare sighting of one of the world’s weirdest fish has been caught on camera in California.
A TIGER dragged a woman to her death after pouncing on her in front of her husband while the couple was out fishing.
EVER wondered what it would feel like the moment before being attacked by a Great White? This amazing new SharkCam footage may give you an idea.
YOU might think chickens are pointless, stupid birds who deserve to live in cages. You’d be very clucking wrong. Here’s your proof.
FOOTAGE of a fish smoking a cigarette has angered animal rights groups who want the fishermen responsible charged with cruelty.
IF you’re ever unlucky enough to get in the way of some of the world’s most dangerous animals here’s what you should do.
APPARENTLY Kiwi music sensation Lorde provides the magic touch when rounding up a herd of cows. Just ask this farmer from Kansas.
SCIENTISTS have uncovered the fossilised remains of a giant penguin that weighed in at a colossal 115kg and was as tall as a human.
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT. Two men have been filmed luring a squirrel to the edge of the Grand Canyon and then kicking it into the abyss.
IF your regular furred mouse gives you the heebie jeebies, then these see-through mice will be down right terrifying.
A GIRAFFE in South Africa died when his head hit a highway overpass while being transported in a wide-open container.
UNVERIFIED footage of a baby lamb born with just one eye has emerged from Turkey — and the newborn isn’t shy of the camera.
WATCH how this Schnauzer suddenly fainted, after the excitement he experienced when he was finally reunited with his owner proved to be too overwhelming for him.
THEY might look cute but don’t be deceived by their furry, little faces. A new study shows the bloodthirsty true nature of meerkats.
IT may sound like a whale of a tale, but a pair of kayakers had an extremely close encounter with a southern right whale when it lifted their boat — twice.
ARTURO the ‘depressed’ polar bear will not be moved out of sweltering heat in an Argentinian zoo, despite a petition gathering half a million signatures.
INCREDIBLY cute images of baby animals with their parents will warm your heart this winter, proving that a mother’s love really is unconditional.
HUMANS are not the only ones loving Dawn of the Planet of the Apes — it’s also a hit with two chimpanzees who munched on popcorn when they saw it at IMAX.
MANY of us are scared of spiders but most have not tried to kill one like this man did. He set his house on fire in the process, causing $60,000 damage.
IT’S no Simpson’s Donkey, but an electronic mule has been tested by the United States military under battle conditions in Hawaii.
HE HAS spent his entire life in chains, works seven days a week and is not allowed to form a bond with another living being. Find it a little uncomfortable? So does he.
CAMPAIGNERS are concerned for the mental state of a polar bear in an Argentine zoo, saying he is depressed and showing signs of insanity.
IT WAS the photo that brought the world to tears. But the rescue of this crying elephant was just the tip of the iceberg in a cruel slave trade.
RAJU the elephant, who cried when shown freedom after 50 years of slavery, has been introduced to his new family.
FORGET Nessie, Greek farmers have their own mystery lake creature – a two-metre-long crocodile clearly far from home. But how did it get there?
PICTURES of an Indian elephant named Raju shedding tears have broken hearts around the world. But there’s a happy ending to the story.
IT was a close call — almost too close. A drone has filmed the incredible moment a paddleboarder glided over a great white without even realising.
EXCLUSIVE PICS: Check out Australia’s second frantic whale rescue which is under way tonight – this time on a Gold Coast beach. .
A VICTIM of a shark attack in the US has told of how he grabbed the nose of the great white as it “lunged” and “locked” into his chest.
IT’S one of the last things you would expect to do with a chicken, but one university professor wants to do it.
VEGETARIANS, you probably don’t want to read this. There is new research that might just turn you off eating your greens. For good.
A TIGER shark has been tracked on an epic journey proving West Australians aren’t the only ones opting for a getaway to Indonesia.
A MOUSE who climbs walls like Tom Cruise in Mission Impossible becomes an unlikely internet sensation.
TERROR group Boko Haram is being flushed out of its hideouts in Nigerian forests by mystical bees and deadly snakes.
THE female half of a giant panda couple that Macau received as a gift from Beijing has died from kidney failure.
YOU won’t be sleeping tonight. What’s worse than your average spider? Well, ones that are capable of eating things five times their size are taking over the world.
JUST when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, a new study of great white sharks shows the fearsome fish’s numbers are growing.
IT DOESN’T get much cuter that this. Watch Ruuxa the baby cheetah befriend Raina the Rhodesian ridgeback in this heartwarming new video.
FISH can feel pain, have excellent memories and deserve to be treated better, a biologist says.
WHY do certain bugs freak us out? Because we’ve been bred to fear snakes and we have an irrational aversion to spiders but we can also blame our parents.
WHERE did the sexually transmitted disease herpes originate? A newly published study finds it was not from sleeping with other people.
IT’S our underground Tassie Tiger. A giant animal thought to have died out thousands of years ago may still be digging away in a remote part of Australia.
THIS pig was on the way to a slaughterhouse, before he made a death-defying jump from a moving truck to save his own bacon.
THIS pig was on the way to a slaughterhouse, before he made a death-defying jump from a moving truck to save his own bacon.
A YOUTUBE video of a white shark at Manly which has had more than 2m hits in 48 hours is a fake.
DID you hear the one about the kangaroo that made headlines because she escaped from a farm in Canada? Hang on, Canada?
SCIENTISTS believe a huge 2.7-metre-long great white shark was eaten by an even bigger sea monster. And it happened right here in Australia …
SCIENTISTS believe a huge 2.7-metre-long great white shark was eaten by an even bigger sea monster. And it happened right here in Australia …
AN ELDERLY man has been seriously hurt after he was attacked by a seal while out walking in New Zealand.
YOU’VE seen tornadoes, sharknados and firenados. Now we bring you the scariest ’nado of them all. This thing is ridiculously horrible and nasty. It is also real.
CELEBRITY fitness trainer Michelle Bridges has been given a tongue-in-cheek challenge by farming bodies: let’s film you all day and see how you like it.
UNWANTED, unemployed, running amok … then ending up as roadkill. Aussie expats are in trouble overseas — and they can’t fly home.
A NEW hi-tech buoy is able to detect sharks and warn swimmers before it gets near a beach.
COAST guards were given a fright when they found a fisherman locked in the jaws of a four-metre croc in the Philippines.
EVEN flies need a moment to reflect. Researchers have found that the insects gather information like humans to make rational decisions.
A WOMAN who smuggled a 50-kilogram lion cub onto a sleeper train claiming it was a domestic cat is being questioned by police.
A TINKERBELL Fairyfly, an Olinguito, a Skeleton Shrimp – these are just three of this year’s newly discovered species.
THE bulls fought back — seriously. They skewered all the matadors and forced the cancellation of Spain’s famous event. WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES.
WHEN you come home from a long day at work and confide all your worries in your pooch, he or she looks back with such understanding eyes. But do they actually understand you?
A WOMAN who was attacked by a brown bear while out jogging in Alaska managed to stagger, bleeding, for 3km to find help.
SCIENTISTS and the public are eagerly following a great white shark named “Katharine” as she swims up the US coastline.
IT’S one of the last things you would expect to do with a chicken, but one university professor wants to do it.
WATCH these beagle pups take their first steps into the outside world after spending their lives locked away for animal testing.
A FISHERMAN got the shock of his life when instead of finding a catfish on the end of his line, he hauled in a prehistoric-looking alligator snapping turtle.
IT’S panda-monium in pet shops in China as dogs that are primped and preened to look like the country’s unique and rare bears become all the rage.
TURNS out there was something even more freaky caught along with the now-famous goblin shark.
YOU’VE heard the one about the poisonous daddy-long-legs or how frogs give you warts but the fact is they’re all a load of nonsense. We uncover some other common animal myths.
A VERY rare megamouth shark, so called because of its giant head and the enormous capacity of its mouth, has been hauled from the ocean off Japan.
INCREDIBLE footage has emerged of a great white shark taking chunks out of a film crew’s inflatable rubber boat, leaving it to slowly sink.
Original URL: https://www.news.com.au/technology/science/animals/page/123