The dark side of the world’s biggest dog show
IT’S a scandalous tale worthy of a soap opera. Now the plot has thickened even further as it’s revealed up to six dogs may have been poisoned out of ‘jealousy’ at cutthroat UK dog show.
IT’S a scandalous tale worthy of a soap opera. Now the plot has thickened even further as it’s revealed up to six dogs may have been poisoned out of ‘jealousy’ at cutthroat UK dog show.
THEY follow us around, jump up on us and love to snuggle up. But is the affection our dogs show us real — or are they master manipulators?
FIRST came reports of competitors being drugged or having chewing gum put in their coats. Now Crufts, the world’s oldest dog show, has a poisoning scandal on its paws.
AN AUSSIE dad took this amazing footage after his children found a mysterious-looking marsupial hopping around their back yard.
THEY’RE not renowned for being warm and fuzzy types, but the Russian Embassy has weighed in on the recent koala cull with specific concern for one animal.
COCKROACHES are traditionally associated with dirt, disease and squalor, but now thanks to science you will never look at them the same.
IF the sight of a rat is enough to make your skin crawl, wait until you find out the rodents carry fleas responsible for spreading the bubonic plague.
A MAN who lost his sight and hearing eight years ago is fighting to ensure his seeing eye dog doesn’t face the same fate.
UNDERWATER footage caught him red-handed (sort of). Meet The Claw — the sneakiest crab in Largs Bay, who can open a crab pot and steal away with the bait.
THIS remote island is so overrun with cats that they outnumber humans six to one. And now it’s becoming a huge tourist attraction.
HUNDREDS of koalas have been killed in a secret cull that was kept quiet to avoid a backlash from locals and activist groups, according to reports.
THIS is the image which is captivating the world today. Baby weasel vs. woodpecker in an airborne death struggle. So who won?
THIS is the dramatic moment two of the country’s deadliest creatures — a brown snake and a redback — met in an epic war. Who came out alive?
IT TOOK two hours to reel in this monster of a fish. And the fisherman needed help from three other blokes to finish the job.
IF YOU thought your job was painful, you have nothing on this group of workers whose daily grind has got to be one of the toughest.
HE came to fame as the Bondi Vet, and Dr Chris Brown is using his stint on the South African set of I’m a Celebrity to meet the local wildlife.
AMERICA has come to a standstill with two extremely unusual escapees breaking baa-a-a-a-a-d on the streets of Arizona. Here’s what just happened…
VIDEO of a camel laughing hysterically with its human friends is all kinds of awesome.
TWO young men have been hailed as heroes for performing what could be South Australia’s first emergency roadside wombat C-section. SEE THE VIDEO
THESE fisherman got the shock of a lifetime when a group of sperm whales introduced themselves in the Pacific Ocean.
See what happens when this cat tries to snag itself a live octopus for dinner.
A STUDENT got the surprise of his life when he spotted an unlikely thief trying to take off with the family car.
Italian angler Dino Ferrari is truly the catfish king, landing a world record monster of the deep bigger than a man.
WHAT’S the strongest stuff known to man? Spider webs? Diamonds? Nope. It’s these teeth, and they’re in an ocean near you.
IN the wake of last week’s mutant pig and the recent goblin shark, another bizarre Australian animal has surfaced. This time, an angler has hooked a very rare catch.
HOW many exotic animals can a president have on their birthday menu? Plenty, if they’re Robert Mugabe.
IT was a very lucky Friday the 13th for this kitty who was stabbed in the head — and survived. See the incredible video.
A PET moggy called Phantom has caused a stir after its apparent cat-burglary of copyright protected material from two music giants.
A MINIATURE schnauzer who was missing her sick owner ran 20 blocks from home and somehow found the right hospital room.
THIS picture of a massive muscular bull is causing a stir online, even though it’s not a Photoshopped fake. So what’s the beef?
REMEMBER Knut, the world’s most famous polar bear? He has a half-brother who is just as adorable.
TERRIFYING footage has emerged of a huge lion lunging at a female trainer at the circus and pinning her to the ground.
AN amateur fisherman has reeled in an extremely rare and weird looking sea creature off a Queensland beach. His catch has amazed scientists.
A LAMB in Scotland thinks it is a dog after being adopted by four border collies. Watch hilarious footage of the animal frolicking with her canine friends.
CATS, coffee and crowd funding. A couple’s dream to open a space themed cat cafe in Sydney is every bit as awesome as it sounds.
SCIENTISTS claim they have discovered a way to stop the spread of cane toad and the solution is simpler than you think.
A TEXTER sat on the deck of a boat missed a breathtaking close encounter with a humpback whale because he was glued to his smartphone.
THE endangered dusky hopping mice has an unlikely ally in the outback dingo, which is helping to keep feral cat populations down, new research has found.
THE winning entries in Intrepid Travel’s wildlife photo competition capture plenty of our furry friends, like this Japanese macaque, in their extra-cute moments.
IT LOOKS like it is covered in diamonds. This photographer captured perhaps the most beautiful images of an insect ever.
A MONSTER 200kg, 3m bull shark has been caught off a well-used Gold Coast beach as experts warn we should expect to see more of the deadly species.
IF you are having a bad day or just want something to smile about, check out these cute pictures of a sea otter and her pup floating down the river.
A TRIO of ferrets have mauled the face off a baby, while the mother was upstairs unaware.
EBOLA deaths in west Africa may be stabilising, but scientists have revealed the devastating impact that the virus has had on some of the continent’s animal populations.
JUST when you thought eating a can of tuna was safe, this happens. A woman opened a tin and discovered a pair of little eyes looking back at her.
THIS picture shows the disgusting moment a group of divers found themselves swimming in a sperm whale’s massive poo cloud.
FISHERMAN on Victorian waters could not believe their eyes when they hauled in a two metre creature that looked as much like a shark as an eel. A catch like it has never been recorded in the area.
THAT milk in your cereal bowl costs more than you think. Chances are you haven’t really thought about this before.
A PUBLIC pool in New Zealand had to be cleared of human swimmers when a stray sea lion decided it wanted to go in for a dip. Watch the cute video here.
DOES punching a shark in the nose stop an attack and do they bite humans on purpose? With NSW beaches closed for nine days, this is essential reading.
IT’S a well-known fact that hippos kill more humans than any other African predator. But did you know how fast they can move? You will after you watch this video.
A HALF-BLIND fish is finally off the hook with his bullying brethren. After being tormented over its missing eye, it got a fake one. Watch here.
A GIANT prehistoric reptile that trawled the waters off Scotland 170 million years ago has been identified by scientists. Could it be an ancestor of the elusive Loch Ness Monster?
YOU might think you’ve seen it all with animal clips. But this one, of an Aussie goat, takes the cake. Or was that spread?
A GIANT crab has left residents stunned.
SNAKES are making a feast of an exploding wallaby population in a Far North Queensland town as these amazing pictures of one hungry reptile show.
LET’S agree: bullfighting is bad and anyone who enjoys it should feel bad. And now a ‘very smart’ bull is fighting back.
AN olive python managed to get his coils around some fast food in the form of an agile wallaby joey in the Nitmiluk National Park near Katherine.
KIDS were invited to line and take photos with this panda but police have spotted something very, very wrong.
SANDRA the orangutan is entitled to basic human rights and must be freed from her zoo home of 20 years, a landmark court decision says.
TALK about earning your keep. An orphaned wombat named Chloe has started doing morning work rounds at Taronga Zoo. You have to see it to believe it.
THE first cougar seen in the “Bluegrass State” state of Kentucky since the American Civil War has had its fate promptly decided.
EVERYONE needs a prime mate like this. Watch the moment when a little monkey saves the life of another who had been knocked unconscious onto railway tracks.
IT HAS a “cartoon dog snout” and looks like “wet tissue paper”. This bizarre creature has just smashed the record for the world’s deepest fish.
AND you thought Grumpy cat was angry. This stray moggy wedged itself under the bonnet of a car and was far from happy at being yanked out by firemen.
PERHAPS all that pre-Christmas boozing has benefits after all. According to new research, it may even be ensuring you’ll face up to the big day fresh and flu-free!
DERBY was born with deformed paws and his owners wanted to put him down — before he was fitted with custom 3D printed legs.
A WOMAN who died and left a request in her will that her dog be euthanased and buried with her has angered animal lovers, who are trying to save the dog.
THE death of a northern white rhino at an American zoo has brought the species to the brink of extinction, with only five animals left in the world.
REJOICE! Pope Francis has delivered good news for dog lovers everywhere — our four-legged friends are welcome in the kingdom of God.
THESE animals have moves to rival Beyonce and Miley Cyrus — and their dance skills have to be seen to be believed. There’s even twerking.
A PLUMBER has died after being stabbed 20 times. Now police are deciding whether to charge his killer — a 300kg stag.
A HIGH rolling python with a penchant for amphibian asphyxiation has been strangling cane toads Dexter-style at Darwin’s Sky City Casino.
A TIGER handler at Australia Zoo who was mauled by a 120kg cat was found to have deliberately excited the animal to put on a better show, a report says.
THE world’s oldest cat, which was born with two faces, two mouths, two noses and three blue eyes has died at the age of 15.
IT’S a stunning discovery: Electric eels don’t just “zap” their prey. They use their powers to remote-control them too.
BEACH-GOERS got a shock after a walk along the sand turned into a special delivery. After noticing the shark’s stomach moving, a man cut it open to deliver three babies.
SCIENTISTS have injected brain cells from human foetuses into mice to create a ‘supermouse’ four times smarter than normal lab rats.
WHEN this odd skeleton washed up on a beach, many locals were convinced that sea monsters were real. Can you guess what it really is?
“IT was the trophy win of a lifetime”. They were the words of a US man after he captured his first alligator — which was over four metres long.
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