

Ninja rats really do exist

Ninja rats really do exist

MAKE no mistake, the Master Splinter ninja rats are among us. Just look at this picture of a rodent in New York City pulling off this epic move.

Bunny v goanna: Guess who wins?

Bunny v goanna: Guess who wins?

THIS poor little bunny didn’t stand a chance. The fluffy ball of fur was swallowed whole by a two-metre goanna on a power pole. WARNING: Graphic images

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - (PICTURED: A Red Bellied Black Snake making itself at home in a water trainer) - A snake catcher has released these hilarious images of the most bizarre places he has discovered the worlds deadliest creatures. For 13 years Richie Gilbert has been removing serpents from unexpected spots such as gyms, wine racks, brothels and even under pillows. Fearless Richie has caught more than 600 snakes across Queensland, Australia, since founding his company in February 2014. And he was bitten more than a dozen times this past season alone - with more than 100 bites in his lifetime. SEE CATERS COPY.

You found a snake where?

ONLY in Australia. The terrifying photos of the bizarre places a professional snake catcher has found the world’s deadliest creatures.

Raymond the stingray comes out of the water to take a blue salmon off the bank. Picture: Helifish

Stingray walks on land

When these Northern Territory anglers caught a salmon they didn’t expect a stingray called Raymond to slide out of the water chasing a snack.

Dog show murder mystery

Dog show murder mystery

FIRST came reports of competitors being drugged or having chewing gum put in their coats. Now Crufts, the world’s oldest dog show, has a poisoning scandal on its paws.

Pictured are rats in Surry Hills lane ways. Sydney City Council has a rat problem. Picture: Richard Dobson

How rats could kill us all

IF the sight of a rat is enough to make your skin crawl, wait until you find out the rodents carry fleas responsible for spreading the bubonic plague.

Italian angler Dino Ferrari with a massive Wels catfish that measured 2.67m and weighed 127kg. Picture: Sportex Italia/Facebook

Meet the catfish king

Italian angler Dino Ferrari is truly the catfish king, landing a world record monster of the deep bigger than a man.

CREDIT: Garry Warrick Incredibly rare fish with TWO MOUTHS caught off the coast of Australia... weeks after 'goblin shark' and frill shark emerge

Freak fish caught in Aussie lake

IN the wake of last week’s mutant pig and the recent goblin shark, another bizarre Australian animal has surfaced. This time, an angler has hooked a very rare catch.

Charollais-cross ewes and lambs from Charollais Australia.

This lamb is barking mad

A LAMB in Scotland thinks it is a dog after being adopted by four border collies. Watch hilarious footage of the animal frolicking with her canine friends.

FILE - This undated file image made available by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) shows the Ebola virus. A Texas health care worker who provided hospital care for Thomas Eric Duncan, who later died has tested positive for the virus, health officials said Sunday Oct. 12, 2014. Dr. David Varga, of the Texas Health Resource, says the worker was in full protective gear when they provided care to Duncan during his second visit to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. (AP Photo/Centers for Disease Control, File)

Warning on ebola’s other victims

EBOLA deaths in west Africa may be stabilising, but scientists have revealed the devastating impact that the virus has had on some of the continent’s animal populations.

What’s hiding in your tuna?

What’s hiding in your tuna?

JUST when you thought eating a can of tuna was safe, this happens. A woman opened a tin and discovered a pair of little eyes looking back at her.

Frilled Shark. Credit SETFIA

‘Prehistoric’ shark reeled in

FISHERMAN on Victorian waters could not believe their eyes when they hauled in a two metre creature that looked as much like a shark as an eel. A catch like it has never been recorded in the area.

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