Surfer’s dream meeting with dolphins
A SPECIAL welcome home from a pod of about 50 dolphins has greeted surfer Amber Bawden at Streaky Bay and their delightful underwater meeting has been caught on video. Watch the footage now.
A SPECIAL welcome home from a pod of about 50 dolphins has greeted surfer Amber Bawden at Streaky Bay and their delightful underwater meeting has been caught on video. Watch the footage now.
A RADIO DJ bludgeoned a bunny to death with a bike pump live on air, then took it home and made stew — and he’s proud of it.
QUEENSLAND scientists have developed a “ribbiting” app that can identify a frog by its croak and shows what species can be found where.
SPEAR fisherman Grayson Shepard was hunting lionfish when he had a sudden, terrifying realisation – he was the bait.
TOURISTS in Kenya thought it was cute when a curious cheetah clambered up on their jeep, but that feeling turned to shock when the clumsy cat fell into the car.
“TERRIFYING”, “hissing”, “demon spawn”, “devil”. This woman’s surprise discovery in her closet was obviously unsettling.
A TEXAS oil heir who paid $440,000 to shoot dead a black rhino claims the killing will help the critically-endangered species to survive. But is he right?
VICTORIAN scientists are closer to cracking the secret to making allergy-free eggs after switching off the part of an egg white protein that commonly causes allergic reactions in children.
A snake-catcher has been filmed picking up an 8kg, 2.6 metre boa constrictor with his bare hands.
SCIENTISTS have created a cyborg turtle after 3D printing a titanium beak for an animal that had its jaw ripped off when it was hit by a boat propeller.
IN A FIRST for apes, a court is set to rule whether an orangutan can be set free from an Argentine zoo after it was granted the same basic rights as us.
A MONSTER from the deep measuring more than 7 metres long has surprised locals after washing up on a New Zealand beach.
WE’VE all heard the one about a bull in a china shop but in Hong Kong shoppers watched amazed as a wild boar rampaged around a kids’ clothing store.
THIS adorable clip shows the moment an unlikely mother figure plays with a group of tiger cubs before sitting one on her knee and feeding it like a human.
PREGNANT supermodel Marisa Miller has posed nude in a bathtub to bring awareness to alleged animal abuse at SeaWorld.
MOVE over dogs — it’s now a snake-eat-snake world. Watch what can happen when two pet pythons are given a rat to eat, and then left to their own devices.
FOSSIL records from the past 23 million years show what species are the most vulnerable to extinction.
WHEN Dan Carlin posed for this photo with a giant fish, the last thing he expected was to be dragged overboard by a vicious sea lion.
THIS stunning photo of an ant on a flower has been voted one of the best of the year by a society of nature photographers. Check out the pics that made the final cut.
A 90-year-old tortoise has a brand new set of wheels to get around on after a rat gnawed off her front legs.
IN the hope of stemming a growing trend of illegal poaching in South Africa, one conservation authority has taken to the skies.
SO much of the food we now eat is not only a lie, it is a very good lie. Here’s why you’ve probably never tasted real chicken in your life.
WHY pose with dead animals when you can be in a photo with a real-life massive bear? That’s what these anti-hunting Russian models did.
SCOTLAND has launched a campaign to have the Loch Ness monster recognised as its national animal. Does this mean it’s real?
THINK Jaws crossed with a kangaroo, with maybe a touch of cute kitten, and you’ve got the pocket shark — the newest and rarest species found.
Pictures have emerged of a sea lion pup getting a personal escort ‘home’ after waddling more than 500m onshore at a Californian beach.
A NEW species that looks remarkably like a Muppet from Sesame Street has set the internet abuzz. Someone needs to tell Miss Piggy.
A FEMALE hunter who was condemned by Ricky Gervais for smiling while she posed next to a dead giraffe has accused the British comedian of sexism.
A LUCKY group of scientists has had an encounter it will never forget with a particularly curious creature. Watch the incredible footage.
FOOTAGE like this proves dogs will do anything for a treat. Check out how far this dog will go to get some love and attention. You sly, old dog.
A PROFESSIONAL big game hunter has been crushed to death by a bull elephant that charged him while he was out scouting prey in Zimbabwe.
IN THE face of a fierce backlash over a photo of her alongside a carcass, extreme hunter Rebecca Francis reckons she’s come up with a good excuse.
SHE’S killed moose, giraffes, lynxes and more, posing with a beaming smile next to animal carcasses. But now she’s the target of death threats.
DOGS can sniff out prostate cancer, according to a new Italian study. But read on before you use the pet pooch to sniff your backside.
A TWO-YEAR-OLD boy has fallen into the cheetah enclosure at a zoo after his mother allegedly dangled him over the railing.
SEAWORLD is being sued over claims it keeps its killer whales drugged, suffering from sunburn and makes employees paint over the animals’ injuries.
MAKE no mistake, the Master Splinter ninja rats are among us. Just look at this picture of a rodent in New York City pulling off this epic move.
A SMIRKING goat has been arrested for disorderly conduct after running amok in the suburbs and repeatedly headbutting a neighbourhood door.
A SHARK sighting usually clears the beach, but marine scientists don’t want you to flee next time you spot one. They want you to take a photo instead.
THIS poor little bunny didn’t stand a chance. The fluffy ball of fur was swallowed whole by a two-metre goanna on a power pole. WARNING: Graphic images
DISTURBING video shows enormous croc calmly swimming along with a pet dog in its mouth. Warning: Graphic images.
A PHOTOGRAPHER got more than he bargained for when a baby penguin climbed onto his stomach and got a bit too close for comfort!
THE world’s largest recorded subterranean European wasp nest has been found in Tasmania.
A NEW study has found listening to music can make your cat more relaxed during the neutering procedure. But, you must be careful to pick the correct track.
EIGHT years after Knut melted hearts around the world, the polar bear’s four-month-old brother has been christened in a very cute ceremony.
PICTURES of a Russian farmer’s newborn lamb with a face ‘like an angry old man with a big nose’ are spreading like wildfire on social media.
When these Florida fishermen spotted a huge tuna casually swimming right up to them at the dock, they couldn’t believe their eyes.
THIS cat is the talk of the Royal Easter Show this year. Look closer at her nose, and you’ll notice something rather unusual. It’s all in the shape.
ADELAIDE’S warm spring, summer and autumn has kept European wasps buzzing around barbecues and cafes, as numbers rise to plague proportions in the Hills.
ONLY in Australia. The terrifying photos of the bizarre places a professional snake catcher has found the world’s deadliest creatures.
A COW in the US has defied odds of one in 11 million by giving birth to four cute calves named Eeny, Meeny, Miny and Moo.
A 16-YEAR-OLD boy has hauled in a huge 263.5kg swordfish off Tasmania’s East Coast.
MOVE over Clive Palmer. A group of scientists are edging closer to creating a real life Jurassic Park starting with the woolly mammoth.
THE myth of the Abominable Snowman has intrigued people for generations. Now scientists believe they have an explanation.
IT HAS eluded researchers and explorers alike but one Hollywood actor is embarking on an unlikely expedition. Now thanks to Leonardo DiCaprio he can begin his search.
IT WEIGHS a whopping 360 kilograms and is the size of a car. This massive stingray, says the team that caught it, could be the largest freshwater fish on record.
The owner of a pet barramundi in a tank has filmed some fascinating feeding behaviour.
A MARRIED couple who cremated a cat they thought was their beloved pet were stunned — after he turned up alive.
A DEFORMED cow with two faces has shocked stunned onlookers at a North Queensland cattle auction. But buyers weren’t put off; he’s heading to an abattoir.
When these Northern Territory anglers caught a salmon they didn’t expect a stingray called Raymond to slide out of the water chasing a snack.
BLUE whales have an incredible talent that can reach the distance between Byron Bay and Sydney.
IT’S a scandalous tale worthy of a soap opera. Now the plot has thickened even further as it’s revealed up to six dogs may have been poisoned out of ‘jealousy’ at cutthroat UK dog show.
THEY follow us around, jump up on us and love to snuggle up. But is the affection our dogs show us real — or are they master manipulators?
FIRST came reports of competitors being drugged or having chewing gum put in their coats. Now Crufts, the world’s oldest dog show, has a poisoning scandal on its paws.
AN AUSSIE dad took this amazing footage after his children found a mysterious-looking marsupial hopping around their back yard.
THEY’RE not renowned for being warm and fuzzy types, but the Russian Embassy has weighed in on the recent koala cull with specific concern for one animal.
COCKROACHES are traditionally associated with dirt, disease and squalor, but now thanks to science you will never look at them the same.
IF the sight of a rat is enough to make your skin crawl, wait until you find out the rodents carry fleas responsible for spreading the bubonic plague.
A MAN who lost his sight and hearing eight years ago is fighting to ensure his seeing eye dog doesn’t face the same fate.
UNDERWATER footage caught him red-handed (sort of). Meet The Claw — the sneakiest crab in Largs Bay, who can open a crab pot and steal away with the bait.
THIS remote island is so overrun with cats that they outnumber humans six to one. And now it’s becoming a huge tourist attraction.
HUNDREDS of koalas have been killed in a secret cull that was kept quiet to avoid a backlash from locals and activist groups, according to reports.
THIS is the image which is captivating the world today. Baby weasel vs. woodpecker in an airborne death struggle. So who won?
THIS is the dramatic moment two of the country’s deadliest creatures — a brown snake and a redback — met in an epic war. Who came out alive?
IT TOOK two hours to reel in this monster of a fish. And the fisherman needed help from three other blokes to finish the job.
IF YOU thought your job was painful, you have nothing on this group of workers whose daily grind has got to be one of the toughest.
HE came to fame as the Bondi Vet, and Dr Chris Brown is using his stint on the South African set of I’m a Celebrity to meet the local wildlife.
AMERICA has come to a standstill with two extremely unusual escapees breaking baa-a-a-a-a-d on the streets of Arizona. Here’s what just happened…
VIDEO of a camel laughing hysterically with its human friends is all kinds of awesome.
TWO young men have been hailed as heroes for performing what could be South Australia’s first emergency roadside wombat C-section. SEE THE VIDEO
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