
Postcard from Tokyo

October 2023

The referendum on the Voice to parliament will be on October 14.

From afar, the Voice debate is not our finest hour

Australia could lose the moral high ground to speak out on issues on the global stage if the Voice referendum is defeated.

  • Updated
  • Melanie Brock

June 2023

Kimono-clad women, who have just turned 20, take part in a “coming of age” ceremony in Yokohama.

Japan seeks to end ‘missing women’ in boardrooms

Postcard from Tokyo. Japan is a laggard and the lowest-ranking G7 country in terms of gender equality, but Prime Minister Fumio Kishida wants to turn that around.

  • Melanie Brock

December 2022


Snow in winter, hammer bans in summer: How to go bush in Japan

How hard can it be to build your dream mountain home to escape Tokyo’s summer heat? Long-time expat Melanie Brock got a little more than she bargained for when she set out to do just that.

  • Melanie Brock

May 2022

Anthony Albanese and the Japanese prime minister in Tokyo for the Quad meeting.

Australia’s new-look leadership plays well in Japan

The change of government in Australia presents the perfect opportunity to work on making our relationship with the land of the rising sun deeper and richer.

  • Melanie Brock

March 2022

The division between those who are vaccinated and those who are not is something unseen in Japan.

Return to Oz an eye-opening reality check

An extended visit to her birthplace gave this Tokyo resident much to ponder on the pandemic’s lingering impact on the Australian psyche.

  • Melanie Brock

October 2021

Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the hustings this week. Voters don’t expect much to change.

Contenders stifle smiles as Japan tiptoes around gender issues

Candidates are largely masked and have been instructed not to smile too much in campaign posters, in deference to pandemic suffering. Aside from that, it’s tough enlisting change as Japan votes.

  • Melanie Brock

September 2021

The four candidate for leadership of the LDP, from left, Taro Kono, Fumio Kishida, Sanae Takaichi and Seiko Noda.

Will Japan’s new optimism survive PM choice?

Japan is on the mend and the vibe is upbeat. Who knows – the country’s governing party may even elect a new leader who is prepared to tackle desperately needed reforms.

  • Updated
  • Melanie Brock

August 2021

Rayssa Leal of Brazil, 13, and Momiji Nishiya. also 13, during the women’s street skateboard final in Tokyo.

Japan deserves a medal for the games

One of the strangest games in history is nearing a close and the successful delivery of the world’s major sporting event through the pandemic is a remarkable achievement.

  • Melanie Brock
Emma McKeon is congratulated by Cate Campbell after winning gold and breaking the Olympic record in the women’s 100m freestyle final. Watching the women has been one of the highlights.

A social media fracas left me a little stunned

A social media fracas left me a little stunned and concerned about my own part in these most unusual of Games.

  • Updated
  • Melanie Brock

July 2021

Staff work on the BMX track at Ariake Urban Sports Park on July 22, 2021 in Tokyo.

Strangest Olympics takes Tokyo’s joy behind closed doors

Japanese people, like Australians, love sport. Yes this Olympics will be ‘like no other’, but the joy will still be there when a Japanese athlete does well and gets a medal.

  • Melanie Brock

June 2021

Masks back on in Sydney, but Australia generally has fared well in the pandemic. It will still have to re-open to the world, however.

Beware the hubris of a holier-than-thou virus stance

Notwithstanding a few outbreaks, Australia may have been too successful at keeping the virus at bay. Here’s hoping our leaders work to shift fear into understanding, and our true outward-looking spirit prevails.

  • Updated
  • Melanie Brock

February 2021

Yoshiro Mori’s apology wasn’t convincing.

Mori is simply the latest face of Japanese sexism

The former prime minister’s comments about women have stirred up passions around the world. But will the controversy bring meaningful change in Japan where social progress rarely comes easily?

  • Updated
  • Melanie Brock

December 2020

An unusually subdued Kagurazaka neighbourhood of Tokyo. Partying is largely off the agenda in Japan this Christmas and New Year.

Virus has last laugh as end-of-year party pooper

The final cruel irony in 2020 is that a rotten third wave of virus infection means we cannot even have the forget-the-year parties we desperately need.

  • Melanie Brock

July 2020

Japan has surprised many by keeping ahead of the curve, monitoring and managing the coronavirus clusters.

Change in mindset would be virus' silver lining

There is much talk of what post-COVID Japan looks like. I hope it is one that supports families, allows more flexibility for workers, protects the vulnerable and embraces change.

  • Updated
  • Melanie Brock

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