
Amanda Stoker

June 2023

Senator David Van told a Sydney radio station he was “shattered” by the accusation.

Van allegations expose the wisdom of hindsight

If failing to expose senator David Van earlier is a crime, then culpability extends across the whole parliament.

  • Phillip Coorey
Victorian senator David Van.

Victorian senator David Van resigns from Liberal Party

In a letter to Victorian Liberal Party president Greg Mirabella, Van said he could not remain a member of a party that “tramples upon the very premise on which our justice system is predicated”.

The gloss comes off for Albanese’s government

The realities of a second year in office are sinking in as challenges pile up. The Voice, fallouts with the Greens, and industrial relations battles are all souring the mood.

  • Phillip Coorey

April 2023


Letters: Budgets and a need for balance

Victorian finances; stage three tax cuts; careless use of language; the Voice and Liberal values; bank transaction charges; university research funding.

March 2023

Anthony Albanese at The Australian Financial Review Business Summit this week.

Letters: Narrow path forward on gas

Anthony Albanese’s stance on gas; blue hydrogen from brown coal; Sophie Scamps responds to Amanda Stoker; advice to corporate women; super balances; Peter Dutton’s views on Labor.


January 2023

Funding remains a significant issue for Australia’s public school system.

Letters: Media’s disservice to educators

Education standards and teaching; unions’ demand for bargaining fees; Indigenous Voice; caning for small offences; corporate breaches; artificial intelligence.

July 2022

After a bruising defeat, the Liberal Party headquarters is back to the drawing board.

Coalition will find salvation only in the political centre

For all the political post-mortems, the simple lesson of this year’s election is that Australian voters do not like divisive politics.

  • Anthony Liveris
Amanda Stoker

Political point scoring must end

Libs no longer appeal to both city and country; ‘One country, two systems’ for Taiwan?; Rooftop solar market ripe for the picking; A natural fit for Dunk Island; Not all tennis pros are winners; Afterpay bonanza leaves a bad taste.

Former senator Amanda Stoker.

Amanda Stoker’s wild imagination

Post-parliamentary careers are often a thing of wonder given the general lack of discernible skills human beings need to operate in civil society.

  • Michael Roddan
For a conservative voter, there appeared to be little difference between the policies of Anthony Albanese and Scott Morrison.

Here’s the real reason the Liberals lost the election

The lesson of the Morrison government’s election defeat is that caving to leftist positions might have changed the subject, but it didn’t win votes, writes this former senator and new The Australian Financial Review columnist.

  • Amanda Stoker

February 2022

Changes to the Sex Discrimination Act will be advanced alongside the new bill, and before the election.

Morrison to push plan to protect gay students

Changes to the Sex Discrimination Act to stop gay and lesbian young people being expelled from religious schools will move forward before the election.

  • Tom McIlroy

January 2022

Clive Palmer announcing United Australia Party candidates - including himself - for the federal election.

Clive Palmer takes another tilt at federal Parliament

Billionaire businessman Clive Palmer is not satisfied being ‘retired’ and is having another crack at federal Parliament, this time a Senate seat.

  • Mark Ludlow

November 2021

A March 29 budget gives Scott Morrison two options for an election - March or May.

PM reveals election options with March 29 budget

The Morrison government has given itself the option of a May 7 election should it choose to hand down another federal budget before going to the polls.

  • Phillip Coorey
Qantas boss Alan Joyce wants reopening to be tied to vaccine availability.

Risk of Folau-style harm in religious freedom plan: Alan Joyce

The Qantas boss says vulnerable people could be hurt by legally protected comments under the Coalition’s draft laws.

  • Tom McIlroy, Lucas Baird and Sally Patten

June 2021

Some of the deteriorated negatives, prints and scans of Italian prisoners of war in Australia held by the National Archives.

Funding shortfall puts war records preservation at risk

A 2019 funding commitment is expected to see only about 80 per cent of precious records digitised.

  • Tom McIlroy
Asked to register: Former PM Tony Abbott at the 2019 CPAC conference.

Foreign influence laws pass free speech test in High Court

A challenge to the laws by right-wing think tank Libertyworks, which held a conference aligned with US conservatives, was rejected.

  • Michael Pelly

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