
Duncan Hughes

This Month

Four ways to build wealth with your tax cuts

Whether you’re trying to pay off your mortgage early or boost your super, put your extra income to good use.

Prosecutors have submitted that Craig Townshend should receive a sentence of up to nine years.

Court denies deathbed wish to award $1.2m to estranged lover

A bitter family fight over a super inheritance highlights the role of binding death nominations, how they work and why it is necessary to regularly review them.


‘I had my bank account cleaned out and $5000 is all I got back’

With scammers getting increasingly sophisticated, don’t rely on your bank to bail you out.



When bank of mum and dad comes with interest

Retirees are increasingly expected to live with, care for and financially support older and younger family members. Here’s your guide to avoiding strife when it comes to wills, means testing and elder abuse.

Eight ways to squeeze more into super – which ones are you using?

A couple employing just four of these methods could boost their retirement savings by almost $5 million.


Nine tips for creating a successful family dynasty

Most dreams of creating a family dynasty are dashed within decades but a solid succession plan can save money and grief.



Decades after tycoon’s death, his family is suing each other over a mansion

Tech tycoon’s widow says she felt ‘used and abused’ in a dispute that pitted her three children against her – and each other.


What to do if you are asset rich but cash poor

Four strategies to help your assets and savings work harder as the cost of living grows.

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‘I lost my 95-year-old mother’s $1.6m life savings to scammers’

Great-grandmother Elaine Spring is ‘too frail’ to be told that the proceeds of the sale of the family home are gone.

Why I’ve got more in my super than when I retired 11 years ago

Choosing the right financial adviser can help set strategies, achieve goals and protect wealth. Here’s how to find the right one – and how much you should pay.

A Russian hacker has been named as being responsible for the Medicare Private hack.

Deepfake images lure investors to bogus stock clubs

The ASX is among the latest to be exploited in frauds costing investors at least $25 million a week. Here’s how to spot a scam:

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The potential tax hit is alarming wealthy super savers and forcing some to rethink their strategies.

How the $3m super tax whack might hit property investors

Plans to tax unrealised gains on super balances have investors considering options. Here’s what calculations show about the potential impact of the tax.



I lost $2.5m of my super to scammers

Five victims outline how their funds were taken by sophisticated impersonation fraudsters and why they feel abandoned by their banks.


A child won a share of her dad’s estate – despite planning to kill him

A 75 per cent success rate in contesting wills is encouraging more family members to sue for a bigger share. Here’s how to protect your final wishes.


House deposit or HECS debt: what’s best for the kids?

Soaring student loan debts can reduce first home buyer lending capacity by up to $140,000, according to analysis by RateCity.

Joe Darling and Jane Needham opted for a “collaborative” divorce.

This increasingly popular divorce strategy can save money and tears

Jane Needham and Joe Darling wanted their divorce to be kind on their children and each other.

Kaine Sheppard has been trying to buy a holiday home for 18 months, without luck.

The questions real estate agents avoid (but buyers must ask)

Be aware of the many hidden costs associated with buying a new home.


Financial strategies involving trusts which merely result in the payment of less tax are not evidence, on their own, of a dominant purpose of tax avoidance, the court found.

$60 billion in trust payments under cloud following ATO court loss

The court warned the ATO cannot dictate to taxpayers how they should arrange their affairs.

Violette Snow near her home in Tasmania.

What to do with a big inheritance

Around $10 billion worth of shares, cash and property is bequeathed every month in Australia. Experts weight in on how to manage a windfall.


Retirees face income hit as cost of living soars

A pandemic-era freeze on deeming rates is about to come to an end. Here’s what that means for pensioners.

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