


Levy on coal, gas and iron ore exporters could save AUKUS subs

Readers’ letters on saving submarines; the consumer data right; responsibility for scams; renewables’ potential; opportunities for independents; and the UK election.

This Month


‘I had my bank account cleaned out and $5000 is all I got back’

With scammers getting increasingly sophisticated, don’t rely on your bank to bail you out.

  • Duncan Hughes



‘I lost my 95-year-old mother’s $1.6m life savings to scammers’

Great-grandmother Elaine Spring is ‘too frail’ to be told that the proceeds of the sale of the family home are gone.

  • Duncan Hughes
A Russian hacker has been named as being responsible for the Medicare Private hack.

Deepfake images lure investors to bogus stock clubs

The ASX is among the latest to be exploited in frauds costing investors at least $25 million a week. Here’s how to spot a scam:

  • Updated
  • Duncan Hughes


The fraudster diverted the money to a bank account they controlled.

ATO told scam victim he owed $46k tax refund sent to fraudster

The victim of the scam was told he had to repay the money paid out to someone who had stolen his identity online.

  • Tom McIlroy

I lost $2.5m of my super to scammers

Five victims outline how their funds were taken by sophisticated impersonation fraudsters and why they feel abandoned by their banks.

  • Duncan Hughes
Suzie Beirne lost most of her life savings in an investment scam.

How to move on from a major financial loss

Three people who lost large sums of money open up about being duped, dealing with ‘gut-wrenching betrayal’ and their search for emotional acceptance.

  • Nina Hendy


Detective Constable Rebecca Mason is a member of the Surrey Police.

The Tinder cop: breaking up gangs who prey on the lonely

Romance fraud is the fastest-growing financial crime in Britain, where a lone detective took on an international network of fraudsters.

  • Stuart McGurk
Scammers are targeting wealthy Australians.

CEO tells how he almost transferred $25m to scammers

Scammers use LinkedIn to find wealthy individuals and C-Suite executives before pouncing when they are at their most vulnerable, like after an overseas trip.

  • Lucy Dean
Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones at the Global Fraud Summit in London.

Canberra’s stoush with Meta wins global support

Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones has fired a volley at Meta over scams and fraud – and 10 other ministers meeting in London backed him up.

  • Hans van Leeuwen
Including scams in everyday conversations can help protect elderly relatives.

How do I protect my elderly mother from scammers?

The trick to discussing scams is to avoid pointing the finger or suggesting your mother is naive.

  • Penny wise


Tool to prevent AI scams raised Aussies’ Tinder hit rates by 67pc

In a trial before a global rollout of ID verification services, Tinder says its Aussie and Kiwi users signing up, saw a 67 per cent increase in matches.

  • Antonia Mufarech


ASIC to pursue riskier litigation strategy in 2024

Chairman Joe Longo says corporate regulator will focus on financial services, crypto, superannuation and target firms operating in grey areas of the law.

  • Ronald Mizen

New freeze button planned to stop bank scams

Bank customers will get a new kill button to immediately close down accounts or transactions and get repaid in 24 hours under a proposed new scheme to stop the explosion in scams.

  • Tom Burton

December 2023

The old feature, still enabled on mobile phone networks around the world, allows attackers to divert voice calls if they can fool phone owners into clicking on a malicious link.

Little-used mobile phone feature exposes new scam threat

A newly discovered security risk that exploits 19-year-old mobile phone technology might let scammers bypass identity checks for banking and email.

  • John Davidson

November 2023


Face scan logons, protection from Optus-like hacks in services revamp

Passwords are on the way out for digital services from the federal governments, as the myGov portal embraces a new secure passkey technology aimed at stopping scams.

  • Tom Burton

October 2023

Elon Musk is fighting an uphill battle against the scourge of bots on X.

What Musk’s high-stakes plan to charge for tweeting really means

X, formerly known as Twitter, is charging $US1 a month for New Zealand and Philippines users to post in an experiment that could go global. So what’s Elon thinking now?

  • Nick Bonyhady

September 2023

Banks are concerned that automatic compensation of scam victims will attract more criminals into the space.

Refunding scam victims creates ‘honeypot for organised crime’: NAB

Banks says they need to be cautious about compensating for scam losses, and want digital platforms and telcos to share the burden.

  • James Eyers

August 2023

The London Metal Exchange discovered that 54 tonnes of “nickel” held in Rotterdam and owned by JPMorgan Chase was actually just bags of stones.

Nickel market rocked again as trader pays $5m for ‘rubble’

Kataman Metals alleges it paid $5 million for a nickel cargo only to discover the containers were filled with near worthless rubble.

  • Archie Hunter

Why smaller banks like Bendigo and BoQ have a big problem

Bendigo & Adelaide Bank has made good progress on costs and returns. But as loan growth shrinks, scams rise and inflation keeps pushing higher, scale counts.

  • James Thomson

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