
Family finance

This Month

The super trick every couple should know about

It can make a material difference to your total retirement kitty and the tax you pay – but you need to get it right.

  • Meg Heffron



When bank of mum and dad comes with interest

Retirees are increasingly expected to live with, care for and financially support older and younger family members. Here’s your guide to avoiding strife when it comes to wills, means testing and elder abuse.

  • Duncan Hughes

My $1.25m super fund can’t pay me enough income

An 84-year-old is facing liquidity problems with minimum annual pension payments – but there are solutions.

  • John Wasiliev

Nine tips for creating a successful family dynasty

Most dreams of creating a family dynasty are dashed within decades but a solid succession plan can save money and grief.

  • Duncan Hughes



Decades after tycoon’s death, his family is suing each other over a mansion

Tech tycoon’s widow says she felt ‘used and abused’ in a dispute that pitted her three children against her – and each other.

  • Duncan Hughes
Aligning risk appetite can be tricky.

I’m a risk-taker but he plays it safe. How do we invest as a couple?

Mismatched risk appetite is a common problem in relationships. How can couples get over this hurdle when investing together?

  • Penny Wise

‘I thought I had dementia’: How menopause crimps income and super

Menopause costs women as much as $60,000 in retirement savings, according to ASFA.

  • Sian Powell

How this Millennial plans to retire at 35

Saving hard and opting out of the consumer lifestyle has helped these people retire decades before their parents did.

  • Bianca Hartge-Hazelman
Personal expenses that are only used by one partner – such as gym memberships or mobile phone plans – should be considered separately.

My partner earns far more than me. Should we still split bills 50/50?

One partner in the relationship earns $200,000, while the other earns much less. What’s the fairest way to divide their living expenses?

  • Penny Wise
Forget emotional tirades – focus on getting a decent settlement and moving on with your life.

How do I avoid a messy, hostile divorce?

Don’t hire a bulldog lawyer and or make any sudden moves with your finances, lawyers say.

  • Penny Wise


For those fortunate enough to have good health and money, semi-retirement is an increasingly popular option.

Why more Australians are choosing semi-retirement

Fusing the parts of work you still enjoy with hobbies, travel and passion projects is the dream for many. Here’s how to make a go of it

  • Michelle Bowes

A child won a share of her dad’s estate – despite planning to kill him

A 75 per cent success rate in contesting wills is encouraging more family members to sue for a bigger share. Here’s how to protect your final wishes.

  • Duncan Hughes
Joe Darling and Jane Needham opted for a “collaborative” divorce.

This increasingly popular divorce strategy can save money and tears

Jane Needham and Joe Darling wanted their divorce to be kind on their children and each other.

  • Duncan Hughes


Violette Snow near her home in Tasmania.

What to do with a big inheritance

Around $10 billion worth of shares, cash and property is bequeathed every month in Australia. Experts weight in on how to manage a windfall.

  • Duncan Hughes
“The more members, the more buying power,” says lawyer Neal Dallas,

Six things to consider before adding kids to an SMSF

Bringing children or other younger savers into an existing SMSF can increase purchasing power and boost cash flow, but beware the added complexity.

  • Nina Hendy and Lucy Dean



Sisters take on extended family to win $13.5m inheritance dispute

A sharp rise in blended families is creating complex legal issues, particularly for inheritance claims.

  • Duncan Hughes
Retirement may not be to everyone’s taste.

Six retirement horror stories and how to avoid them

Retirement is the time for the travel, volunteering and reading many have been putting off. But it doesn’t take much to derail the golden years.

  • Lucy Dean
While having a joint bank account is a good idea, a couple should also consider having individual accounts.

Shared bank account drives me nuts because she spends more

A couple seeks help in accommodating different spending needs without breaking the family budget.

  • Penny Wise
Beware the hidden dangers of verbal promises when it comes to inheritance.

The inheritance promise that will rip your family apart

Small businesses and farms are potential battlegrounds where future generations dispute verbal agreements about who gets what.

  • Duncan Hughes
Some choose to withdraw lump sums from their pension (known as a commutation), for example to finance an overseas trip.

The two things you need to know about $1.9m super cap

It can be the most baffling number in retirement savings but figuring it out could help you get more into your fund.

  • Meg Heffron

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