


Matt Preston and Reviewer

The blackboard menu has a rather lovely list of retro classics.
The blackboard menu has a rather lovely list of retro classics.Supplied

Modern Australian

READING about the opening of a new place to eat on the back page of The Age is a first for me but then the owners of Cabinet aren't just the usual cashed-up, severance-package cafe hopefuls.

They have connections (hence the mention in Diary). Four of them are involved in CPR, a communications and PR company that claims to have the ears of key government decision-makers. It follows that the restaurant will be a place for pollies - and those who seek to influence them - to eat and drink, even in these post-Brian Burke days.

Me, I love the idea of being able to eavesdrop on ministers bitching about each other.


Visiting for a post-lunch coffee, I noticed two things apart from the shot of Cafe Supreme that wasn't half bad. 1) That politicians appeared to be staying away in droves. 2) That the blackboard menu from ex-Canary Club chef Melanie Pendray had a rather lovely list of retro classics. Think chicken and mushroom vol-au-vents or a chicken breast rolled with apricot and camembert stuffing.

This was enough, combined with an interior that has all the solid Victorian flock 'n' brocade charm of a traditional lounge bar and a floor team that's full of familiar Canary faces (including fifth owner Kath Lunny), to encourage my return the next day with a PR guru of my own choosing.

I arrived desperate for that stuffed chicken only to find that it and some of the other more retro ideas had been wiped from the blackboard to be replaced with typical CBD lunch fare - a chicken Caesar salad, spaghetti with cherry tomatoes and bocconcini, or with meatballs. These supposedly still fit with Cabinet's mission statement of serving "classic retro with a twist". It also claimed that the flexibility of the blackboard menu means it can feature the best that it can get that day. (Obviously the "chicken Caesars" looked particularly good in the market that morning - although as it is way past March you'd wonder why any Roman emperor would still be frightened).

Now the meatballs weren't bad at all - the tomato sauce blessed with a fair waft of chilli; the veal and pork balls juicy and tasting strongly to me of herbs, which at least carried through the retro theme. We also had a couple of small pieces of Wiener schnitzel, and their crumbed, fried camembert. This was served with a nicely tart homemade plum-and-apple compote but the cheese needed a few more seconds' cooking to turn the centre properly gooey.

For dessert there's chocolate mousse, a trifle set in a glass, and an individual lemon meringue pie with a thin hard crust, suitably zippy curd, and warm, fluffy, toasted meringue on top.

Trifle is one of those '70s classics, like bombe Alaska and chicken-liver parfait and had a bit of renaissance a while back. Here is more modern version than nanna's with smooth vanilla-seed-specked custard replacing that traditional yellow rubber mat, and stewed autumn fruits delivering some tartness. They'll probably leave that fruit out once some of those promised pollies start lobbing in here to sip and sup.

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