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Parliament March 11 Mercury thumbnail

Question time leave pass nixed

The Liberals have abandoned an attempt to let some ministers dodge House of Assembly question time after the idea was vehemently opposed by non-government MPs.

LIST: Who owes money in unpaid fines

LIST: Who owes money in unpaid fines

Thousands of Tasmanians began the new year in debt, with a government list revealing the names of those who owe money in unpaid fines. 4916 NAMES >>


Devils deciding who can replace midfield star

Tasmania Women's Captain Jacinta Limbrick at Blundstone Arena. Picture: Chris Kidd

A Tasmania Devils midfield mover and shaker could be sidelined for up to six weeks with a broken rib. The coach has detailed how she will be replaced for the women’s clash with Port Melbourne this weekend.

Warning over ‘beauty pageant’ scam

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Scams are rife right now. Just ask the Australian woman who was lured to Uganda for a beauty pageant – only learning it was fake when she was robbed on arrival.

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