It's a big day in the astrological calendar. The Sun and Neptune are forming a conjunction – the final Pisces pairing of these two planets in our lifetime. It's a cosmic invitation to dream and seek inspirational ways forward. We're reaching the end of Pisces season; our source of light and heat is heading towards dynamic Aries. It means we'll soon have the energy and enthusiasm to turn ideas into workable plans. Hurts and harms (whether personal or in the wider world) can be helped and mended.
If you ruled the world… what would you change? How would you help others? What would you do to make this a better place? Would you begin by improving your own situation, fulfilling your financial potential and placing yourself in a more secure position? Would you go on to seek understanding into your relationships with others and discover how you can turn all your encounters into positive exchanges that bring out the best in all? If this is your dream, a full personal horoscope reading can help to turn it into a reality. Gain the insight that the cosmos owes you. Let us read your birth chart for you.
You wouldn’t be the first person on planet Earth to consider the fact that life might be better if a certain person ‘disappeared’ out of yours! Eek! If we’re honest, we’ve all entertained this kind of fantasy. It’s fine, as long as it remains a fantasy! In fact, thinking the unthinkable can be helpful. Pushing beyond normal, accepted thinking patterns advances our creative process. With the Sun linking to Neptune today, your imagination is your superpower. Keep your ideas positive, and a dream can start becoming a reality.
A powerful cosmic climate is working in your favour right now. You can make a positive transformation and achieve what you’ve been hoping for. A personal birth-chart report will tell you what’s really possible… and when… and how. Download yours now!
Life is a constant learning process. We’re continually being tested. But we never seem to get to a point where we graduate and can relax, knowing we’ve reached a level of learning, and can put our feet up. You’re dealing with a series of baffling situations and are having to use all your past experience in order to work out the best thing to do regarding an important decision. You’re weighing up the pros and cons. But you don’t need an argument; you need agreement. And with the Sun linking to Neptune today, you’ll get that.
Discover your inner light, the one that shines regardless of the weather in your ‘Guide to the Future’.
Some people have extraordinary memories. The character Mr Memory, in the classic movie The Thirty-Nine Steps, is based on a real-life music hall personality called Datus. He was famous for his ability to recall all sorts of facts from the past. Yet even people who can absorb this kind of intel with ease probably forget the occasional appointment. Or where they’ve put their keys! The coming Equinox brings a development which triggers a memory. It holds an important (and helpful) realisation which you’ve overlooked.
If you stretch a piece of elastic as far as you can, and then release one end of it, it will ping back at speed. The same principle applies to the mechanics of a bow and arrow; when the bow is released, the arrow shoots forwards. As we move towards the Equinox, you can utilise the movement of dynamic Mars, and direct your energy in a more focused direction. Think about what you’re aiming for. If you’ve got a clear target in mind, you’ll be able to implement action that takes you closer towards it, with surprising speed.
Now, do you want to know more about what’s going to happen to you, when it’s going to happen and why? Get yourself a full, ‘spookily accurate’ horoscope birth-chart report, and you’ll find out. Download your Birth Chart report here!
There’s an urban myth about a person who, as a gesture of positivity, got hold of an old dictionary and tore out the part with the words starting with ‘im’. They were trying to eradicate the word ‘impossible’ from their life. It sounds crazy. And, unfortunately, life isn’t that simple. Yet, with your ruler, the Sun, forming a conjunction to Neptune, as we move towards the Equinox, you’ll experience a boost of positivity that enables you to see your way around an impassable (impossible) obstacle. An easier way forward is on its way.
There are powerful changes in store for you soon. What are they? How can you best prepare for them? Find out in a full horoscope birth-chart. It’s full of amazing predictions about you and your future. Get yours now.
Astrology is based on interpreting celestial messages and signs. So, it’s a bit ironic that today’s prediction advises you to pay less attention to the signs and signals you’re currently receiving! But, as we move towards the Equinox, be wary of information from other people, and make space for the insight your retrograde ruler is bringing. It involves a situation from the past, and moving beyond an outdated thinking pattern. This is a chance for you to rewrite the book of your own personal history. If you do, the path ahead looks bright.
Wish you could fulfil more of your potential? A Personal Profile, based on your exact date of birth, reveals your secret gifts and blessings. Click here!
Love. Harmony. Peace. Surely everyone wants more of these in their life? Yet many of us, who desire these qualities, find them hard to manifest. Being ruled by Venus, it’s clear that they’re right at the top of your agenda. It’s hard to believe that anyone prioritises misery, disappointment and chaos. But maybe we don’t all share the same goals? As we move towards the Equinox, when the Sun moves into your opposite sign, you can achieve more of what you truly desire. Follow your intuition and a delightful opportunity awaits.
Back in the days of black and white movies, the narratives were less complex and the characters were easier to understand. The costume designers left us in no doubt that the good guys were good. And the bad guys were bad. These days, it’s not so straightforward. Today’s movies more accurately reflect what happens in real life; heroes and villains come in all sorts of guises and get-ups. No matter what outfit you choose to wear today, you’ve got star quality. As the Sun links with Neptune, you’re shining. Make the most of it!
Find out what the planets have in store for you. Instantly download your Year Ahead chart. Now! Click here!
Although you’re reading an astrological forecast, a word of warning. Be wary of what other people in your world are predicting about your future at the moment. Basing your decisions on the prophetic powers of other folks, who have a vested interest in what you do, is unwise. They can’t help but be influenced by their self-interest. And the plan you’re considering might be making them feel insecure. So, trust your intuition. Keep your own counsel. And stay open to a delightful surprise. The coming Equinox brings positive affirmation.
Now is the right time for you to take an in-depth, up close and personal look at your life. To get your full horoscope based on your date, time and place of birth, click here.
Age is complicated. It’s much more than the number of years we’ve been alive on planet Earth. Some children are wise beyond their years. And some adults, who are well into their twilight years, enjoy nothing more than a good squabble – just like a teething two-year old! No matter our age, it’s never too late to discover information that throws new light onto an old challenge, and enables us to understand it in a more insightful way. The Equinox brings exciting insight. Keep an open mind. And get ready to be inspired.
Reveal the astrological secrets of the coming year, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions download ‘Your Guide to the Future’.
In days gone by when an event happened, that was it. It was over and done with. If you happened to miss a critical episode of a TV series, there was no way you could catch up with it later. These days, when we can download and catch-up with anything, it’s hard to imagine how we coped! If only we could apply the same techniques in our own lives, and pause, fast forward and record events so that they suited our personal timetables. In the approach to the Equinox, you’re in the flow. A series of events will work out perfectly. Yay!
“Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream… life is but a dream.” This song could be your theme tune today. As the Sun converges with your ruler Neptune, which is in your sign, your imagination is empowered. Although thinking that life is a dream is sometimes problematic – it can bring you down to earth with a bang, this is a time when focusing on your heartfelt desires should be your priority. It’s safe, and appropriate to let your imagination run wild. In this cosmic climate, your dreams really do stand a chance of manifesting.
Want to know what the coming year has in store? Let me calculate your full personal horoscope from your exact date, time and place of birth. Click here!