Is Solomon Lew breaking up with fast fashion?
The retailing billionaire offers clues over his next big bet. This time, apparel is likely to be left on the rack.
The retailing billionaire offers clues over his next big bet. This time, apparel is likely to be left on the rack.
A mix of tougher environmental standards and changing work patterns could leave office landlords picking up a hefty bill.
Alarmed investors worried about years of ‘dead money’ if global markets collapse can look to history for answers – and one asset often thrives in a downturn, writes ASX Trader.
There’s four key indicators that foreshadow a global financial crash and right now, all signals are pointing to the market teetering on the edge of meltdown, writes ASX Trader.
This chart shows why we’re unlikely to see ultra-low interest rates again with history suggesting we may face 40 years of rising rates which could reach up to 8 per cent, writes ASX Trader.
A small buyout of a Perth operator has big global implications for Cleanaway, a company better known for collecting household waste for councils.
Six Victorians who sealed a mega retail deal over a pub pasta meal are now worth a combined $20bn this year, dominating the ranks of the county’s wealthy elite.
A series of cascading executive moves in one day, including a high-profile defection, are reshaping the top of the nation’s banks.
If the WiseTech boss was another chief executive, he’d be long gone. Instead, a weak board had delivered a predictably weak response to his actions.
Less than a month after Mineral Resources boss Chris Ellison said issues with the haul road were ‘not a big deal’, a $200m milestone payment is at risk if it doesn’t hit its ore volume target by the middle of next year.
OneSteel was never really a business under Sanjeev Gupta’s ownership. Steelmaking was just a by-product of the magnate’s financial engineering.
Coal miner New Hope Corporation says it will buy back up to $100m of its own shares as they are trading below their true value, and has flagged the potential for more capital management.
Administrators will turn their investigation to the ‘complex web’ of deals between the magnate and the collapsed steelmaker.
Barefoot has two tips for getting through the sharemarket downturn: don’t check your share prices and whatever you do, don’t listen to forecasters.
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