WORLDS APARTHealthAt 23, Will Seitam is simply overwhelmed at the joy he has found when he wasn’t even looking. On an unexceptional day in 2023, a message flashed on the screen of his phone. It was short, unexpected and startling.
Bucket listsRacing around to satisfy a bucket list in our twilight years makes no sense, Matt Condon argues. Bin the bucket and smell the roses instead.
What would a ‘rogue’ clinic look like, if it were following the child-led ‘gender-affirming’ treatment model?
gender clinicsHealthAn immediate statewide freeze on hormone therapy for new patients under 18 has been ordered in Queensland, after it was discovered a 12-year-old was allegedly given puberty blockers without parental consent.
THE REAL MENOPAUSEHealthAs women transition into perimenopause and menopause, they may notice a change in their body shape and how they feel. Here’s what some experts say will help keep you nourished.
FitnessHealthDon’t let runner’s knee and shin splints slow you down – try these easy exercises to keep you speeding ahead.
WHO adviceHealthThe World Health Organisation has issued new guidelines urging people to swap regular table and cooking salt for lower sodium substitutes at home.
exclusiveMedicalJohn Robson thinks he’d be dead if not for the cutting-edge clinical trial that started near his home in Bendigo after he was diagnosed with stage 4C melanoma four years ago.
FIT FOR THE TOPHealthElana Rubin, Reserve Bank board member, loves getting out with her border collie-cross poodles, Lucy and Maggie, to start the day with a clear head. Just don’t mention meditation.
RECIPEHealthFrying the tofu first makes the perfect porous surface for the deeply savoury and slightly sweet braising liquid to seep into.
ExclusiveHealthSpecial measures to honour emergency workers and public servants in the pandemic have been clawed back, slowing any future acknowledgment of national contributions from the time.
Hospitals understaffedHealthInternationally registered nurses from the UK, Ireland, the US, Singapore, Spain and Canada will soon be able to practice in Australia faster than ever.
ExclusiveMedicalCancer at younger ages is becoming more common in Australia. What do you need to watch out for?
HealthNeale Daniher, the newly named Australian of the Year, has battled MND since 2013. His fight to raise awareness and support research into this debilitating condition continues through his charity, FightMND, bringing crucial attention to a disease that still eludes a cure.
CLINICAL BURNOUTFatigue and a constant sense of dread about the day ahead can be some of the symptoms of severe burnout. Here’s what to look for and how to address the problem.
HealthHealthScott Harrison says he was 89kg of ‘love handles, moobs and belly fat with a fat neck and even fat stored behind my ears’. After 75 days his paunch was replaced with an enviable six-pack. This is how he did it. Enticement: he eats six times a day.
Peta Bee
Australia DayHealthCovid-19 thrust epidemiologist Professor Allen Cheng into the spotlight. His expertise during the pandemic response been recognised in this year’s Australia Day Honours list.
HealthHealthNicotine levels in vapers’ bodies are being tested with an Australian-first device at a clinic in Sydney. The results are shocking.
MAGAZINEThe Weekend Australian MagazineI’ve met hundreds of people who died before being resuscitated. Compared with business gurus or social media influencers, it is these patients who we should be listening to for lessons about life. They know what really matters
Matt Morgan
InquirerHealthPublic sector psychiatrists who offer a critical service are quitting and it seems like you just don’t care. They should be able to work in safe conditions.
Felicity Graham