
Stephen Lunn

Stephen Lunn
Stephen LunnSocial Affairs Editor

Stephen Lunn is The Australian’s Social Affairs Editor, covering social policy issues including ageing, disability, welfare, immigration and population policy. He has previously been the paper’s environment writer and Tokyo correspondent.He has also worked in public policy advocacy in the private sector, and practised as a lawyer in Australia and the UK. Stephen has a Masters degree in law from the London School of Economics.


COVID-19 Stay connected and hope concept. Happy senior couple with wine video calling friends on laptop or online chatting with family celebrating easing of coronavirus restrictions and lockdown.

100,000 teens will still be at home in their 40s

What type of household will you be in a generation from now? Living with kids or empty-nesting? Living alone, or, heaven forbid, still at home with mum and dad in your 40s? The Australian Bureau of Statistics has the answers.

CANBERRA, Australia - NewsWire Photos - June 27, 2024: NDIS and Government Services Minister Bill Shorten and Minister for Veterans' Affairs of Australia Matt Keogh hold a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: NewsWire / Martin Ollman

Meter ticking on NDIS cost delay

Bill Shorten is not happy that reforms to the NDIS have been put on hold by the Coalition and the Greens. His new cost tracker will tick up by $1m every hour until the legislation passes.

’cuddle therapy’
CANBERRA, Australia, NewsWire Photos. June 5, 2024: NDIS and Government Services Minister Bill Shorten during Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra. Picture: NewsWire / Martin Ollman

Delay ‘to cost the NDIS $1m per hour’

New NDIS legislation must be introduced to ensure the scheme pays only for disability-related supports, Bill Shorten says, pointing to previous claims for washing machines, bird seed and even crystal therapy.

domestic duties
Woman with small child in her hands doing housekeeping while man sitting in couch and relaxing.

Men ‘clueless’ about being housework-shy

One in three Australian mothers with kids living at home are dissatisfied with who does what around the house, but only eight per cent of dads have the same view. How does your household compare?

Sad child covering his ears with hands during parents quarrel. Man about to beat his wife

Bureau to keep tabs on violence

Data on perpetrators of family, domestic and sexual violence and their interaction with the justice system will be collated and tracked in a new database co-­ordinated through the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

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