OPINIONCaringWhen I turned on the TV, the radio or read the newspaper growing up, I never saw or heard anybody like me. But with help of industry, creatives, consumers and the wider public, things are changing. Slowly, but they are.
Dylan Alcott
WISHMedicalMore men are choosing to enhance their appearance with hair transplants, veneers and tweakments, but are they willing to talk about it?
Eugenie Kelly
HealthFitnessNo matter how great your efforts, the health benefits of your workout will be affected if you make uninformed decisions. Here’s a way to make smarter choices to achieve the most | ANSWER THESE 10 QUESTIONS … HONESTLY
Peta Bee
’BIGGEST BLUNDER WE’VE EVER MADE’RelationshipsThe revolution starts here: we’ve over-parented our kids – but let them run wild on social media. Now a growing movement of fed-up parents are fighting to keep kids off smartphones.
exclusiveMental HealthVarsha Yajman can tell if she’s on the brink of an eating disorder relapse just from her Instagram feed. Experts fear a rise in online communities devoted to unhealthy dieting.
tests underwayMedicalScientists hail immunotherapy treatment which may provide alternative to mastectomies.
Eleanor Hayward
SCIENCEDietWith the majority of Australians now classified as metabolically unhealthy, is it time to endorse low-carb eating for all?
GO OUTSIDERelationshipsSmartphones are poisoning our children’s minds, says Jonathan Haidt. But it’s not too late to arrest the damage and send the kids out to play.
Jonathan Haidt
ExclusiveMedicalAustralia has joined a worldwide project led by the Michael J Fox Foundation to radically accelerate the prevention of the condition affecting 220,000 Aussies.
INQUIRERMental HealthSeparating mental illness from normal human stress and anxiety seems lost in ever-loosening psychiatric definitions.
EXCLUSIVEMedicalAustralia is failing to ensure that new-generation drugs that could help prevent a devastating tide of diabetes complications are made available to the sickest in the country.
ExclusiveMedicalVaccines would tailor cancer treatment to an individual, with researchers appealing for governments to take the financial burden off charities in the sector.
SaladsDietThe walnuts are there for texture, and I can’t go past the salty, savoury hit of Parmigiano Reggiano, although a feta or goat’s cheese can be equally as pleasing.
MAGAZINEMental HealthWhile we’ve become more open about depression and anxiety, schizophrenia has slipped further into the murky shadows. This is what it’s like to live with.
Sandy Jeffs
Sleep StrategieswellbeingWhether it’s a digital detox or the perfect sleep environment, there are a number of ways to try and achieve a better sleep. We asked two experts to share tips they swear by.
Public healthMedicalNew research shows that 12 per cent of children in the outer suburbs develop asthma, compared with only 6 per cent in the inner city
Nutrition goalsDietDespite writing a book on the health pros of fruit and vegetables, Rhiannon Lambert says you can enjoy a steak or cheese guilt-free.
Peta Bee
q&aRelationshipsI’ve had to acknowledge that being in a lifelong relationship with a soulmate hasn’t happened with me. It took a long time for me to go, actually, that’s not a failure.
ConcussionMedicalLeading sports neuroscientist Alan Pearce said the AFL’s move towards trialing helmets is one of the ‘dumbest’ moves made by the code, after research has repeatedly proven that ‘headgear doesn’t work’ when it comes to combating concussion.
HealthFitnessWant to go one better than a Parkrun? Billed as ‘the global fitness race for everybody’, there are no entry requirements and no restrictions on finish time.
Peta Bee