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Basic overnight pita bread recipe

Dan Lepard

Tip: Keep the cooked pitas warm under a cloth.
Tip: Keep the cooked pitas warm under a cloth.Marina Oliphant
Time:< 30 minsMakes:30 small pita or 15 large ones

My basic overnight flatbread dough can be used for pita bread, too.



  • 650g water, about room temperature

  • 7g sachet fast-action dry yeast

  • 50g sunflower oil

  • 1kg bread flour

  • 20g salt


  1. The night before, pour the water into a large bowl, whisk in the yeast then stir in the oil. Add the flour and salt, combine to a shaggy mixture then leave covered for an hour.

    Give the dough a light knead for about two minutes then return it to the bowl, stick it in the fridge and leave covered with cling film for a day or so (I find it's fine for up to three days when kept chilled).

    Take balls of dough about 50 grams each ((use 100 grams of dough for large ones) and roll out to about eight centimetres in diameter. Cover and leave these for 15 minutes on a well-floured surface for the dough to relax.

    Heat the oven to 240C/220C fan, or as high as it will go. Then roll the dough out thinly, to about five millimetres thick, and place on a tray lined with non-stick paper.

    Bake for about five minutes until puffed and starting to colour. Leave to cool under a cloth to keep them soft while you bake the remainder.

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