

29/4/14 Broken Golden nest egg.

Super traps can sting your savings

Ignoring your superannuation can see you being slugged with extra taxes, too many fees and not leave you with enough to enjoy retirement. Here’s what you need to know about your nest egg.

Australian one dollar coin sitting on a twenty dollar note. money coins dollars generic

Best super funds of the decade revealed

A golden run for superannuation funds is nearing an end, so how long can our nest eggs keep growing? Here are the funds that have performed the best – and what to do when they start to fall.

YOUR MONEY   Golden Egg / nest egg . savings / superannuation Pic. Getty Pic. Getty

How retirement review may affect you

Australia’s ageing population is in the spotlight, and dealing with the financial fallout is high on the government’s agenda as a retirement income review gets under way.

Savings nest egg concept. Australian superannuation generic money

What workers think about super

Many workers don’t bother thinking about their superannuation savings but that doesn’t mean they don’t want it. A new study shows what they want.

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