Perth rental vacancies skyrocket
PERTH rental vacancies have risen 64 per cent in 12 months, according to a report released today.
PERTH rental vacancies have risen 64 per cent in 12 months, according to a report released today.
FINDING a home to rent just became a little easier in these capital cities where vacancy rates have increased.
IN bad news for property investors rents are falling and there is no sign of a lift anytime soon. Are they rising anywhere?
A NEW share craze is connecting people in search of space to stash their stuff with homeowners hoping to make up to $3000 a year.
IF you’re trying to rent a home in this Queensland location, you may as well pitch a tent while you wait, with vacancy rates hitting their lowest level on record.
A DEAD body in the garage, pigs breeding in the living room, and randy neighbours. Who knew apartment living could be so interesting.
A TINY unit smaller than a full-sized snooker table has been listed for rent at more than $850 a week, and the agent says tenants are lining up. See the pictures here.
WHEN not even full time workers can get into the Sydney housing market, it’s no wonder a student has chosen to live in a campervan.
FROM the outside, it appears that nothing is amiss at this suburban family home. But what the tenants left behind has left their landlord in shock.
A HOMELESS man’s ankle-length dreadlock may not be to everyone’s taste, but it’s not the only thing about him that’s bothering the neighbours.
LANDLORDS won’t have much to smile about with weekly rents falling and rates of growth hitting an all time low in many capital cities.
FRUSTRATED renters have taken revenge on “lazy” landlords and “dodgy” real estate agents by warning others online. The result is a catalogue of the country’s dodgiest rentals.
A SPIKE in the number of vacant rental homes has forced landlords to slash prices in some of Sydney’s most popular suburbs.
WANT to doss down where Denzel Washington, Jimi Hendrix or other big-name stars slept? An increasing number of Airbnb homes are trading on their celebrity connections.
More first-home buyers are choosing to invest in affordable areas and rent where they want to live.
WITH the median Sydney house price tipped to hit the $1 million mark by Christmas, more young locals are facing a future as renting “lifers”.
VACANCY rates are on the way up with only capital cities experiencing drop in the number of properties available for rent in the past 12 months.
RENTING a property does not suck as much as it is made out. Here is how to make a property-related tax deduction and now is the time to act.
HOUSE prices may still be on the way up, but rents are on the way down in three capital cities. Where has it become cheaper to rent?
FORGET painting or getting new curtains, there is one thing new research has found will add value to your home.
FANCY swapping your humble home for a secluded tree house in Canada? Or perhaps a modern apartment in snow-dusted northern Iceland is more to your taste.
IF YOU want to invest in a holiday home the best place to start is to find out where Australia’s most popular holiday homes are. Check out the top in each state.
IT was a Rudd-era scheme designed to help strugglers, but instead it has left many of the good-willed investors struggling.
INCREASED housing supply and a surge in investors has kept rental growth low.
THE scenes of some of Brisbane’s most grisly crimes are now on the rental market. But are prospective tenants interested?
IT’S an iconic building amid the world’s priciest real estate. But this grand former hotel is home to some unlikely tenants and no amount of cash will help you get there.
AUSTRALIAN’S get more bang for their buck in the rental market here than other cities in the world. Check how far your dollar goes.
FLUSH for cash? Then why not splash out $40,000 a week on Sydney’s most expensive rental apartment that would cost more to lease over a year than fully paying off a $750,000 house.
SHREWD couples have found a way to live in desirable suburbs without paying big rents. You’ll never believe how they’re doing it.
IF you have $50,000 a month for rent one of Sydney’s most exclusive homes could be for you.
WOULD you like to be mayor for a day? Rent this village and you can have it all. It even comes with a chicken yard, six horses, two cows and three sheep.
THESE Aussies signed up to share rent together and got a lot more than they bargained for. They reveal what really goes on behind closed doors.
FINDING love with your house mate is becoming the new normal.
RENTS have gone backwards in some inner-Melbourne neighbourhoods. Find out where tenants are getting the best deals.
WITH Aussies struggling to afford their first home, more people are looking at a lifetime of renting. But one plan could see renters have all the power.
IF you are looking to buy an investment property in Queensland, you need to know this.
The Air BnB phenomenon. Money making genius, or tenant nightmare? Here are our tips for homeowners hoping to make a quick buck without the fuss.
RENTING? Then there’s cause for optimism as tenants gain the upper hand in Melbourne’s housing market. Here’s how to really seize on your advantage.
IF you fancy a small holiday before the school year gets underway you might want to try out these tiny holiday homes.
LANDLORDS who decide to save a few bucks on property maintenance are warned they could end up paying a high price for it.
January is traditionally one of the busiest months for people searching for a rental property.But with all work that goes into packing and unpacking, it’s little wonder that some consider moving as one of the most stressful life events.
QUALITY short-stay accommodation sees families happy to pay as much as $12,000 a week for a large coastal home.
PROPERTY prices may be rising, but rental growth has ground to halt. See which states were the winners and losers.
IF your ideal Boxing Day is lining up outside the cinema to catch the latest instalment of The Hobbit, these are the perfect holiday homes for you.
WOMEN and children escaping family violence will get homes at discounted rents under an initiative that matches people at risk with generous landlords.
UPDATING and improving an investment property helps to attract the best tenants at the highest rent and it will increase the value of your asset in the future
THERE are ways to inject your rental with some personality without compromising your lease, writes CHELSEA CLARK.
FINDING a rental property may have become a little bit harder last month with new figures revealing vacancy rates have dropped again.
HAVE you booked your end of year holiday accommodation? You might have left it too late. Check out how bookings are going in holiday hot spots.
ARE you a bit of an exercise junkie? Can’t imagine going away for a holiday without getting a sweat up? Check out these fitness fanatic rentals.
Landlords must be covered for the unexpected, in case a crime is committed at their property
RENTING a unit instead of a house is no longer the dirt cheap option it once was with new figures revealing the distance between the two is shrinking.
THE holidays are over and most of us are back living in suburbia today, but how much would it cost to rent in a beach side suburb permanently?
DODGY landlords may soon be outed by plans for a TripAdvisor-style website for rentals. But users could be charged for access.
BAD tenants can be a costly nightmare, with back rent and clean up costs when you finally get rid of them. How do you sift the good from the bad?
This Brisbane family has transformed the back yard of their rented unit block, but why?
QUEENSLAND’S high-end rental market is taking off. Find out where the elite will be forking out thousands of dollars per week.
HOMEOWNERS who live permanently in holiday hot spots are renting out their properties to help them fund a holiday trip of their own.
A dual-purpose studio apartment has been fitted out to serve as a cocktail bar and a home.
FINDING a housemate is a competitive business. So these Aussie guys have gone the extra mile to make their listing stand out.
MOST tenants know where the cheap suburbs are, but where do you rent when money is no object?
IT’S THE controversial concept that hides poorer tenants from their wealthy neighbours but one Aussie expert asks whether we could learn something from it.
IS it better to buy or rent? A new research paper by the RBA reveals the magic number needed to answer this much-debated question.
A LACK of first home buyers and demand to live in inner city areas, has driven up unit prices throughout most of the country.
As rental prices increase throughout Knox, tenants are offering to pay more than the advertised price to secure a lease
LANDLORDS are the ones benefiting from increases in the age of first marriages, as research reveals how we are are clocking up more time renting.
The rising number of rental properties in Sydney is easing the squeeze on tenants.
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