Deaths in Fear The Walking Dead?
FEAR The Walking Dead returns on Monday, promising plenty of intrigue and lashings of zombies. With a double episode special, people are going to die. But who?
FEAR The Walking Dead returns on Monday, promising plenty of intrigue and lashings of zombies. With a double episode special, people are going to die. But who?
SEASON seven of Game Of Thrones is over but there is still one last season to go. However, there are two main ‘baddies’ who have to die before the end — Cersei and the Night King. But who goes first?
GAME Of Thrones season eight only has six episodes, which means it has to start killing off characters quick. Here’s our predictions for who will die in the opener.
GAME Of Thrones is finished for another year — and season eight may not reach us until 2019 — so what should you watch in the meantime?
Donald Trump’s win may have revealed the ending for Game of Thrones and will certainly change the tone of the last two books.
Episode four showed us Negan being a real asshole and Spencer being a weasel, plus Rick as we’ve never seen him — a wussbag.
Why has nobody got themselves kitted out in proper zombie-fighting gear since Glenn (no, poor Glenn!) got out of the prison in Season Four?
Episode Four of The Walking Dead will be movie-length and packed with drama as Negan comes to Alexandria, with Daryl in tow.
What we learned from Episode 3: Dwight will be all right, Daryl’s dog meat and where does Negan keep his armies? Not up those leather sleevies …
The massive plot dump of Game of Thrones online is only partly right — but which part?
Episode Two of The Walking Dead’s new season gave us the chance to breathe — and showed us how Negan will be defeated
They’re the power couple who have divided fans — are Rick and Michonne a match made in heaven or a hell of a mistake?
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