
Will Cersei or the Night King die first in Game Of Thrones?

SEASON seven of Game Of Thrones is over but there is still one last season to go. However, there are two main ‘baddies’ who have to die before the end — Cersei and the Night King. But who goes first?

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FOR Game Of Thrones to end, both Cersei Lannister and the Night King have to die — but in which order will they go?

The Night King has just ripped apart The Wall with his undead dragon Viserion and is heading south. Cersei, meanwhile, has betrayed the others and hopes to pick up the pieces once everyone else has fought themselves to exhaustion.

So let’s examine the two options — firstly, that the Night King goes first and then they turn on Cersei. Secondly, they finish off Cersei and then the Night King.

Will Cersei Lannister (played by Lena Headey) die in season eight of Game Of Thrones?
Will Cersei Lannister (played by Lena Headey) die in season eight of Game Of Thrones?

There will be some spoilers here, so if you are not up to date with the series, it’s time to look away!

Incidentally, there is a third villain in Euron Greyjoy. He must also die but he could go any time and certainly quite early in the piece. As the Greyjoy subplot, with Theon being redeemed by rescuing his sister, is not dependent on anything else, we can safely put that aside.

Euron Greyjoy’s tight leather pants have been entertaining but he must die.
Euron Greyjoy’s tight leather pants have been entertaining but he must die.

But the question of whether Cersei or the Night King goes first will have an enormous effect on the last six episodes.

Obviously our heroes cannot let the Night King rampage through the north, summoning an enormous army of undead.

So they are going to get stuck into him in the first couple of episodes. I can’t see Jon (or Dany for that matter) turning around most of their army to deal with Cersei while the Night King slaughters everything with a pulse in the north.

Yet I just cannot see that defeating the Night King and then turning on Cersei is going to be a satisfying end to the show.

The Night King is the ultimate villain.
The Night King is the ultimate villain.

The Night King has been the “secret” baddie since the first few minutes of episode one. Finally defeating him, only to have to worry about Cersei seems, to me, to be a bit of an anticlimax.

Plus it really eliminates the whole question of whether we need to find out which of Jon and Daenerys is Azor Ahai, the Prince/Princess That Was Promised (and destined to kill the Night King).

The battles against the Night King and his army, plus his undead dragon, are going to be so mind-blowing that anything against Cersei surely seems a bit flat — even if she does get the Golden Company with a bunch of elephants on side. War elephants are pretty cool — but they don’t match it against zombie bears and giants.

So this is how I see it going down.

Firstly the Night King is going to take Winterfell and slaughter most of Jon and Dany’s army. They will see that fighting him on the battlefield is not a winning strategy.

At that point, someone will turn up with instructions on how to kill the Night King and end this war. It could be Melisandre. It will probably be Sam and Gilly reading some interesting stuff and then Bran warging into the past to see it happen. It could be a combination of those.

So, we have either Jon or Dany as Azor Ahai, destined to kill the other to make the magical sword to defeat the Night King.

When we said Jon and Dany have to keep busy while Cersei is finished off, this wasn’t quite what we intended.
When we said Jon and Dany have to keep busy while Cersei is finished off, this wasn’t quite what we intended.

That will keep those two busy, while the remaining armies try to give them the time they need to make Lightbringer.

While that is going on, it’s time for Arya to use Littlefinger’s face to go to King’s Landing. I see a fascinating party with The Hound, Jaime Lannister, maybe Bronn and certainly Brienne and Arya going south. Sansa might also go with them and maybe even Tyrion.

Everyone wants to see Aidan Gillen return as Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish — to see him kill Qyburn and then rip off his mask to reveal Arya.
Everyone wants to see Aidan Gillen return as Petyr “Littlefinger” Baelish — to see him kill Qyburn and then rip off his mask to reveal Arya.

They will need to make the prophecy of Maggie the Frog come true. The one where she said Cersei was going to get overthrown by a younger, more beautiful queen and then die at the hands of her valonqar or Little Brother.

So we’re going to get Arya as Littlefinger, Clegane Bowl as The Hound takes on The Mountain and then the delight of Jaime probably killing Cersei and then himself, maybe even dying in Brienne’s arms.

Jaime Lannister is surely fated to kill Cersei in the final season.
Jaime Lannister is surely fated to kill Cersei in the final season.

That’s going to be some powerful stuff and will then set us up beautifully for Jon killing Dany (or, more likely, Dany killing Jon), then taking on the Night King with the magic sword that has to be bathed in the heartblood of your true love. Noice.

We could even see Bran warging into the mind of Viserion to bring him down. Or, at the very least, some serious dragon fighting action as Drogon and Rhaegar take on their undead brother.

Then if they want a happy ending, then Beric can give up his resurrected life to bring back whichever one of them has been killed first.

Will it happen that way?

Who knows! But it would be damn entertaining ...

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