
8 contenders, so who will win Game Of Thrones Season 8?

GAME Of Thrones may have won a whole swag of Emmy Awards this week but the real question is, who will win Game Of Thrones? Vote for your favourite.

Game of Thrones takes home best drama at 70th Emmy Awards

GAME Of Thrones may have won a whole swag of Emmy Awards this week but the real question is, who will win Game Of Thrones?

We’re not going to find out until the middle of next year, with the much-anticipated final season not expected to hit Foxtel until at least April.

Quite a few of the early contenders have bitten the dust.

And if we know one thing about GoT, it doesn’t like to save fan favourites or go for the predictable route.

So who will win? Who will end up on the Iron Throne — if, indeed, there even is an Iron Throne at the end of all this? Let’s look at eight contenders for season eight.

Vote now and tell us who you think will win — and if we missed someone out.

Jon Snow might be Azor Ahai but will he live to see the end of GoT?
Jon Snow might be Azor Ahai but will he live to see the end of GoT?


He’s currently the King Of The North, although he has agreed to work underneath Daenerys. And not just when they’re alone in her cabin. Anyway, Melisandre prophesied he is Azor Ahai, the Prince

That Was Promised, the hero destined to kill the Night King and end the darkness. Of course to get a sense of how well her prophecies have turned out so far, let’s hear from the headless corpse of Stannis Baratheon… Anyway, he seems to be the obvious choice to be the one who defeats the Night King and saves the world.

In George RR Martin’s mind, that probably means he’s doomed to die.

The trick about being Azor Ahai is that you have to kill your true love to help make a weapon strong enough to polish off the Night King. So it could be Jon or it could be Dany – but it is unlikely to be both.


Daenerys is surely the favourite to win.
Daenerys is surely the favourite to win.

She’s the obvious favourite, given all she has gone through.

And her translator Missandei revealed that Azor Ahai could be a Princess, not a Prince, so she’s right in the running.

And it would make for a more entertaining battle if she was the one to go sword-to-sword with the Night King.

However, there is another plot twist that could help.

As we know, Jon Snow was resurrected by Melisandre, using the power of the Lord of Light, the way Beric Dondarrion keeps getting pulled back from the dead by his mate Thoros of Myr.

In the books, Beric uses this gift to bring back Catelyn Stark after the Red Wedding (although he carks it in the process).

So Jon could be Azor Ahai, stab poor Dany to create his magic sword and then exchange his life for hers in the same way to bring her back to rule.

That gives her two great chances to end up victorious.


Will Cersei Lannister win or will she choke at the end?
Will Cersei Lannister win or will she choke at the end?

Yes, she’s blown up a chunk of King’s Landing with Wildfire and is happy to do anything to hold on to power. By the laws of fantasy narrative, she needs to die.

It’s even been prophesied that she should die.

A witch foretold how she would get the life choked out of her by the Valonqar, or Little Brother. Most people reckon that’s going to be Tyrion.

But could there be a massive twist coming? Most fans would agree that her brother Jaime, who was hated for the first couple of seasons for shoving Brandon Stark out of a tower window, has redeemed himself.

Could something happen that redeems Cersei and she ends up still on the throne? It’s unlikely – but possible.


It will be a cold ending if the Night King wins.
It will be a cold ending if the Night King wins.

He’s the big, cold bogeyman from the north, determined to turn everyone into corpses that he can control. So there’s not a lot of negotiation there.

Yet George RR Martin has said before that he hates mindless baddies.

What if the Night King is there to right some historic wrong, to restore balance after the war between humans and the Children Of The Forest?

What if the weather is not supposed to be years of summer followed by years of winter but something more like the seasons we would recognise?

Again, it’s unlikely and, frankly, a series that ends with the baddie sitting atop a mound of heroes’ bodies is going to be a little disappointing.

But with George RR, you can never rule it out.


Sansa Stark has certainly done enough to earn the throne.
Sansa Stark has certainly done enough to earn the throne.

She spent the whole of the first season whining about how she wanted to be queen.

But she’s paid her dues. Big time.

Between torment at the hands of Joffre and Cersei, followed by Ramsay’s rape, she has suffered more than enough.

She’s also learned a great deal from them, as well as from Littlefinger, about what it takes to rule.

With everyone else at risk of getting chopped to pieces by an army of undead, she could well end up ruling either part or all of Westeros and doing a damn fine job of it.


Is the whole story being dictated by King Sam Tarly to Gilly?
Is the whole story being dictated by King Sam Tarly to Gilly?

Let’s face it, he’s not exactly the first choice.

But he’s now the heir to the Tarly title after his boofheaded brother and slimy father got roasted in dragon fire last season.

He’s also extremely knowledgeable. And he’s not going to be on the frontline during the battles.

There is also the strong suspicion that this whole tale is actually his explanation, or his history, of what happened during the battle for the throne triggered by the murder of Robert Baratheon.

So is he writing it as an Archmaester – or is he dictating it from the throne, explaining how all his friends ended up dead and he had to take over?


He will win CleganeBowl but will Sandor Clegane win GoT?
He will win CleganeBowl but will Sandor Clegane win GoT?

He’s not the obvious choice. But he is the people’s choice.

His chances didn’t appear too good when Arya left him for dead after Brienne kicked him over that cliff.

But things have happened that have made him, while still a dark horse (or hound!), one with a chance at the throne.

For a start, he’s seeing things in the flames, which means he has developed some powers.

So while he doesn’t have noble birth, he could do a Steven Bradbury and skate past everyone as they fall over dead, to find himself a hero being elected to the throne on a wave of acclaim.

After all, one of the repeated themes is this war will smash the hold the noble houses have on power.

Plus, George RR likes a joke as much as anyone and having The Hound as king would be bloody funny. As long as he makes it through CleganeBowl ...


Is Gendry about to bring the hammer down on GoT?
Is Gendry about to bring the hammer down on GoT?

Another dark horse.

But he does have a legitimate claim, given he is the last son of Robert Baratheon.

In some ways he would be the best of both worlds, as he has a royal name but grew up as a commoner, living among the people, so he’s not out of touch.

Plus, he had several seasons of thinking time as he rowed endlessly around Dragonstone (!), so he’s probably got some good ideas for what to do if he made it to the throne. Perhaps he is the perfect compromise candidate, particularly if he ends up marrying Sansa.

Yes, I know he and Arya had a “thing” going for a while in season two but she’s moved past all that.

And don’t forget that season one made a great play of how the son of Robert Baratheon would marry the daughter of Ned Stark. Given Joffre was actually a Lannister, it seems logical that Gendry and Sansa would get together.

And what a team they would make.

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