
Vote now: Who’s the worst father in Game Of Thrones?

TOMORROW is Father’s Day, a perfect time to reflect back on the best — and worst — in dads. And when it comes to the worst, you can’t really go past Game Of Thrones. VOTE NOW.

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FATHER’S Day is a perfect time to reflect back on your father — feel relieved he didn’t have you burned alive at a stake or sold you off to the White Walkers.

Yes, when it comes to the worst dads, you can’t really go past Game Of Thrones.

Just about everyone on the show has had issues with their parents — if they haven’t been killed off by their parents.

So let’s have a look at the worst dads in GoT. Vote now and tell us the worst — and let us know if we’ve missed out your favourite “bad dad”.


Well, few would dispute that Ned Stark was a good dad, especially in this company. But he let honour cloud his judgment. Trying to denounce Joffre and put an end to Cersei’s schemes might have been a noble thing to do.

Ned and Catelyn Stark were good parents … but bad things happened to their kids.
Ned and Catelyn Stark were good parents … but bad things happened to their kids.

But it resulted in pain and suffering for all his children, especially to Sansa at the hands of Ramsay and the deaths of both Robb and Rickon. Not really the actions of a good father.


Randyll Tarly was a very cold father towards his lovely son Sam. Well, he was very cold until that dragon toasted him into charcoal. The “family” dinner in season six when Sam returns home on his way to the Citadel shows Randyll is pretty nasty.

Randyll Tarly was mean to sweet Sam. And got burned alive for it.
Randyll Tarly was mean to sweet Sam. And got burned alive for it.

But we already knew that

Sam was “cursed and caned, slapped and starved” throughout his childhood by his sadistic father. Worse, his dad threatened to kill Sam and make it look like an accident unless he renounces his claim as Tarly heir and joins the Night’s Watch.


King Robert’s greatest crime as a father was his complete lack of interest in his three “official” children Joffre, Tommen and Myrcella (although they were not his) as well as his many bastards. All of them, both official and bastard, ended up dead. Except for Gendry, who had to row around Dragonstone for three seasons.

Robert Baratheon was more into hunting than helping his kids.
Robert Baratheon was more into hunting than helping his kids.

Perhaps if Robert had kept his royal sword sheathed and been a better father, Joffrey might not have become the sadistic little twerp we all came to know and loathe.


Aerys Targaryen wasn’t called the “Mad King” for nothing. Thanks to him, Westeros was nearly ruined and King’s Landing almost burned with wildfire.

Aerys Targaryen was mad and bad.
Aerys Targaryen was mad and bad.

Then we have his weaselly son Viserys, who married Daenerys off to Khal Drogo. Sure, Dany is great but that doesn’t stop this old nutbag being a bad dad and king.


It could be argued Roose Bolton wasn’t such a bad dad. After all he took in Ramsay, his bastard son, and eventually made him legitimate. But Ramsay was a sadistic bastard and it’s obviously Roose’s fault that nobody took him aside when he was a little bloke and told him it’s not nice to skin people alive or torture them and chop off their man bits. He’s also the traitor who killed off Robb Stark, which makes him a bad man as well.

Roose Bolton raised Ramsay. Enough said.
Roose Bolton raised Ramsay. Enough said.


Tywin Lannister may have been a terrific politician and strategist but he was a miserable failure on the father front. What he did to Tyrion was horrific. His hatred of Tyrion ran so deep he even had him put on trial for murder — and then slept with his girlfriend Shae.

Tywin Lannister died on the dunny at his son’s hands.
Tywin Lannister died on the dunny at his son’s hands.

Even Cersei and Jaime, the kids Tywin didn’t hate, were on the receiving end of their father’s disappointment and scorn. Still, he got pinged on the dunny by a crossbow-toting Tyrion, so at least he had a poetic ending.


Baelon let son Theon be taken hostage at the age of 10 by Ned Stark and then shunned him when he finally returned home as an envoy for Robb Stark.

Baelon Greyjoy was a bad dad with bad hair.
Baelon Greyjoy was a bad dad with bad hair.

Then he didn’t lift a finger to save Theon from Ramsay Bolton. There’s no drowning in emotion for this bad dad.


He was a minor character with a major problem. First he “married” and raped his daughters, to produce more daughters to rape and marry, then he sold off any sons that were born to the White Walkers. Now that’s some serious evil.

Craster was a truly evil dad.
Craster was a truly evil dad.


Stannis wasn’t a bad father when he started out. You could see he loved daughter Shireen. Right up until the point he had her burned alive by Melisandre to help his doomed quest to be king. You don’t get much worse than that.

Burning your own daughter does make you a bad dad, Stannis.
Burning your own daughter does make you a bad dad, Stannis.


He was only too happy to marry off his daughters and was nasty to his sons as well. But the reason he’s in this poll can be summed up in two words: Red Wedding. He killed off Robb and Catelyn Stark, so that’s worthy of making this list.

Walder Frey ate his sons in a pie.
Walder Frey ate his sons in a pie.

Plus he also ate his sons in a pie. OK, so that pie was baked by Arya Stark and we all enjoyed watching it — but it’s not nice for a dad to do that.

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