
Why Jon Snow will win George RR Martin’s Game Of Thrones

With just two seasons left to go, who will win the Iron Throne? As we settle in to enjoy the machinations of Season Seven, we run the rule over the four main contenders. This week: Jon Snow

Game of Thrones in 60 Seconds: Season 6 Refresher

WHO will win the Game Of Thrones and end up sitting on the Iron Throne at the end of the series?

Basically there are four main contenders — Cersei Lannister, Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow and the Night King.

Barring a monumental shock (which of course we cannot completely rule out because this is, after all, Game Of Thrones), it will be one of these four.

So which one?

As we settle in for the long-awaited season seven, we put the case forward for each one of them winning the Game Of Thrones.

Beware, there are some spoilers below!

Jon Snow looks particularly smouldering in the snow.
Jon Snow looks particularly smouldering in the snow.


He thought he was the bastard son of Ned Stark, so took himself off to the Night’s Watch so he wouldn’t cause any trouble.

Well, that went well!

Now of course we know he is not Jon Snow but Jaehaerys Targaryen, the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen. That was Dany’s older brother, which makes him her nephew and the true heir to the Iron Throne.

Jon Snow taught Bran Stark how to use a bow. In return, Bran will reveal the secret of Jon’s parentage.
Jon Snow taught Bran Stark how to use a bow. In return, Bran will reveal the secret of Jon’s parentage.

How that is going to play with the various northern lords, who grew up hating the Targaryens, is anyone’s guess.

But none of that really matters, because everything in this series has been set up to see Jon Snow succeed.

He has learned humility and leadership in the Night Watch; he is prepared to make the hard decisions (such as inviting the Wildlings south of the wall) and he has learned what it is like to be betrayed. That was a hard lesson but thanks to the Red Woman he came back to life.

Getting stabbed to death wasn’t on Jon Snow’s plans but luckily it hasn’t stopped his march to the throne.
Getting stabbed to death wasn’t on Jon Snow’s plans but luckily it hasn’t stopped his march to the throne.

Melisandre thinks he is Azor Ahai, the legendary figure set to defeat the White Walkers.

If so, then he is certainly the one to end up with the Iron Throne.

Still, Melisandre has been wrong before!

However, he is the only one who understands the true danger of the White Walkers and that will see him rise to the top.

Plus, if Daenerys sees him survive dragonfire (the true test of a Targaryen) she will have no choice but to accept his claim to the throne.

Probably the biggest reason to see him winning, however, is the fact he’s the only one who doesn’t want the throne. That means he’s guaranteed to win it.

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