
The Walking Dead Ep 4: A weasel, an asshole and a wussbag

Episode four showed us Negan being a real asshole and Spencer being a weasel, plus Rick as we’ve never seen him — a wussbag.

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RICK is broken, Negan is gloating, Daryl is determined, Carl is rebellious, Rosita is turning badass and Spencer is a dead weasel walking.

That’s what we learned from episode four of The Walking Dead.

Already we are halfway through this year’s eight episodes of season seven of The Walking Dead and we are getting far more questions than answers.

The extra-long episode four finally took us back to Alexandria, where we discovered that everyone has been planning for Negan’s visit except the one that really counted — Rick.

He didn’t hide any guns and actually wanted to turn every last one over. Seriously? You give Negan every last frigging gun because it’s in a ledger and you want it to add up? WTF! Change the bloody ledger! Stash enough somewhere secure! Don’t just give him everything!

Negan’s visit made a mess of Alexandria.
Negan’s visit made a mess of Alexandria.

Anyway, apart from Rick showing that his sense left him when Negan killed Abraham and Glenn in episode one, we saw how the others have changed.

Michonne is looking for the chance to assassinate Negan, although needs a fair bit more work with the rifle. Again, seriously! Six shots at a shambling zombie and she has to use the katana to finish him off?

I’ve been critical of the show in the past for the supernatural abilities of the characters to hit a zombie head with a bullet (anyone remember season two when the farm got invaded and they were blowing heads off while hanging out the windows of speeding cars) but surely that goes the other way.

Anyway, Negan shows up with a horde of Saviours — and Daryl — plus Dwight, who was being especially obnoxious. Methinks he doth protest too much!

They went through Alexandria like a dodgy curry goes through you on a Saturday night, with pretty much the same end result — crap everywhere.

Rick forced the Alexandrians to go along and suffered humiliation upon humiliation, which he would never have taken before.

Rick Grimes has gone all helpless in The Walking Dead.
Rick Grimes has gone all helpless in The Walking Dead.

Then Michonne discovered the Saviours stole all their beds but merely burned them, just to further denigrate Alexandria.

She’s thirsting for vengeance but her love for Rick is holding that in. That’s all well and good but it has to start going the other way — his love for her must start bringing him back to life.

Time and again he had the chance to kill Negan. Time and again people urged him to come up with a plan to save them. Time and again, he refused.

He thinks that, even with The Hilltop, they don’t have enough men to match Negan. or guns. (hello, you should have hid some!)

Of course he doesn’t know about The Kingdom, which means Carol and Morgan need to get things happening.

But, in the wash-up, there were some interesting things that came to light.

Firstly, Spencer had hidden a couple of guns, which nearly got Olivia killed because she had the gun ledger (again, it was a frigging exercise book, they could have rewritten it!)

Then he nearly got Rosita killed by shouting out her name as they ran into a bunch of Walkers. And then he taunted Rick and almost got his lights punched out. Actually, the fact Rick didn’t break his jaw shows how screwed up Rick is. A season ago, Spencer would have been eating through a straw for months.

It’s all leading up to something bad for him. In the comics, he goes to Negan and offers to kill Rick — and meets a grisly end as a result. I can see that one coming soon ...

Rosita, meanwhile, is about to get together with Eugene and start shaking things up. She was more of a minor major character until now, more just hanging around Abraham and Eugene. But she took on a pack of walkers to steal a handgun and the last scene was her finding Negan’s cartridge case and taking it to Eugene, who already had plans to start a bullet-making factory.

That’s going to happen, with or without Rick.

Eugene is stepping it up in The Walking Dead.
Eugene is stepping it up in The Walking Dead.


And Carl is mad as hell and is not going to take it any more. He nearly popped a Saviour and is ready to go one a one-teen rampage. His face as Enid was humiliated was a picture. But not a nice landscape one, more like one of those symbolic pictures done by an angry teen who wants someone to burn and is only using black and red paint and no paintbrush, only a knife.

Did he sneak on board one of Negan’s trucks for some revenge? He does in the comics and I suspect he might have now.

Interestingly, Father Gabriel convinced Negan that both Maggie and Sasha had died, which is going to make for some potential dramas if he finds out they’re living at The Hilltop.

Meanwhile, Daryl is potentially blaming himself for not just Glenn’s death but the death of Maggie and their baby as well. Or is he? Father Gabriel showed Daryl a sign as they stood over the “graves”.

Daryl is still refusing to give in to Negan, so got dragged away again, despite Rick’s attempts to get him back.

But we are waiting, waiting, waiting for Carol and Morgan to get The Kingdom moving and Maggie and Sasha to bring The Hilltop over.

Finally, we got a lingering look at the sign outside the Safe Zone, promising death to plunderers.

It will happen, but it seems it won’t happen in this half of the series ...

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