
Qld child sex offender Jake George Brown breaches reporting conditions

The identity of a Central Queensland sex offender, recently sentenced for breaching strict reporting conditions multiple times, can be revealed along with the names of five others convicted of similar offences.

A number of registered child sex offenders have been caught breaching strict reporting conditions in Central Queensland. Generic image.
A number of registered child sex offenders have been caught breaching strict reporting conditions in Central Queensland. Generic image.

A child sex offender living in Central Queensland has learned his fate after being caught breaching strict conditions four times.

Jake George Brown, 30, pleaded guilty in Gladstone Magistrates Court on February 21 to four counts of failing to comply with reporting obligations under the Child Protection Act.

Magistrate Mary Buchanan sentenced Brown to three months’ jail, wholly suspended for an operational period of 12 months.

She also placed him on 18 months’ probation and convictions were recorded.

Brown is one of a number of child sex offenders living in the CQ region who have been busted for this type of offending in recent times.

On January 17, also in Gladstone Magistrates Court, Jayden Keith Leigh, 26, pleaded guilty to one count of failing to comply with reporting obligations under the Child Protection Act.

The court heard that Leigh had previously been given suspended jail sentences for this type of offending.

For his latest offending, Leigh, already on parole and supervised in the community, was sentenced to two months’ jail, wholly suspended for an operational period of 18 months.

Gladstone Courthouse.
Gladstone Courthouse.

In Gladstone Magistrates Court on January 16, Gregory John Gorton, 51, pleaded guilty to three counts of failing to comply with reporting obligations under the Child Protection Act.

Gorton was fined $1500 and a conviction was recorded.

On April 12 last year, Paul Raymond White, 43, pleaded guilty in Biloela Magistrates Court to failing to comply with reporting obligations under the Child Protection Act.

He was fined $200 and a conviction was recorded.

In the Biloela court on the same day, Ross Edward Dooley, 44, pleaded guilty to two counts of failing to comply with reporting obligations under the Child Protection Act.

He was fined $200 and convictions were recorded.

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