
Child sex offender Gregory John Gorton faces Gladstone court

A registered child sex offender who moved to Central Queensland from the state’s southwest for work has been caught breaching strict reporting conditions.

A registered child sex offender has faced court at Gladstone after he breached strict reporting conditions. Generic image.
A registered child sex offender has faced court at Gladstone after he breached strict reporting conditions. Generic image.

A registered child sex offender who moved to Central Queensland three months ago has faced court for not adhering to strict reporting conditions.

Gregory John Gorton, 51, pleaded guilty in Gladstone Magistrates Court on January 16 to three counts of failing to comply with reporting obligations under the Child Protection Act.

Police prosecutor Sergeant Merrilyn Hoskins said Gorton was served an initial reporting obligations notice in May, 2020, at Dalby.

The court heard that these three offences related to Gorton not reporting changes in his personal details within seven days as required.

The court was told that Gorton had moved to Gladstone for work three months ago and he was currently working for a local company.

Gorton’s solicitor Jun Pepito submitted there was nothing sinister about his client’s offending.

The prosecution sought a suspended jail sentence but Mr Pepito submitted a fine was appropriate as Gorton had no previous breaches of this sort.

Magistrate Mary Buchanan fined Gorton $1500 and a conviction was recorded.

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