
Women at work


Australian Energy Regulator chair Clare Savage and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb are two of the country’s most powerful regulators.

They battled blokey workplaces. Now these 33 women enforce the rules

Energy regulator Clare Savage and competition chief Gina Cass-Gottlieb are among 33 women leading Australia’s regulatory bodies, once the domain of male enforcers.

  • Tom Burton


Early childhood education and care (ECEC) benefits both children and parents.

This budget boost for working women will supercharge the economy

We wilfully under-utilise 50 per cent of our economic potential, creating a national emergency we could easily solve.

  • Zoe Daniel
Chris Kiefer, a company manager, works from his Melbourne home.

The rise of the home husband

Changes in the structure of work make it more likely wives will go to the office and men will work from their abode.

  • The Economist
Claire Riley, with two-year-old Archie.

Why this boss wants to help pay for childcare

In an Australian first, u&u Recruitment Partners will subsidise the costs of childcare up to ease the financial burden of returning to work.

  • Julie Hare
Big increases in childcare subsidies have not yet resulted in higher rates of workforce participation among women.

Childcare rebates could leap to $14b - but women still aren’t back at work

A key objective of the most recent changes to childcare subsidies was to encourage more women into the workforce, but so far they haven’t taken the bait.

  • Updated
  • Julie Hare


Danielle Wood, chairwoman of the Productivity Commission

This is how to win the productivity prize

If a country used only half its factories, it would waste a lot of its productive potential. The same is true if we tap into only half of society’s brainpower.

  • Danielle Wood
The Chanticleer podcast features James Thomson and Anthony Macdonald.

Why CEOs should care about the gender pay gap; Reporting season winners and losers

This week, James and Anthony examine the bombshell report into Australia’s gender pay gap and dish out the Chook awards for reporting season winners and losers.

December 2023

Accenture’s inclusion and diversity lead, Nicola Campbell, says offering more senior part-time roles is an area of focus for the firm.

The $100,000 question at the heart of the gender pay gap

The gender pay gap isn’t just caused by bias and discrimination. And not everyone agrees about what we should do about it.

  • Euan Black

October 2023

Sheryl Sandberg will face the task of reinventing herself as separate from Facebook and its controversies.

Women are asking for promotion, but men keep getting them: study

Men are promoted based on potential, but women must first prove their worth, the study and survey of US and Canadian companies found.

  • Ella Ceron and Emily Chang

September 2023

Speaking at the CEW conference, Shemara Wikramanayke reckons women are “self-selecting” out of financial services jobs.

‘Don’t let boys have all the fun,’ Macquarie CEO urges potential recruits

Just one third of applicants for graduate roles at Macquarie are female, Shemara Wikramanayake said, meaning women were “self-selecting out of what we are doing” at entry level.

  • Hannah Wootton
The Matildas celebrating Cortnee Vine’s matchwinning penalty against France.

Matildas and Barbie show the business case for gender equality adds up

An equal number of CEOs named Michael and Matilda, Bob and Barbie, Tom and Tilly would mean a better economic future for us all.

  • Marie Festa

August 2023

US footballer Alex Morgan with daughter Charlie.

The success of mothers at the World Cup will force football to change

Until recently a soccer career and motherhood were considered incompatible, by governing bodies and the footballers themselves.

July 2023

Why bonuses are a real problem behind the gender pay gap

The ‘good bloke’ mentality is to blame when it comes to discretionary remuneration, a key driver of pay inequality.

  • Bianca Hartge-Hazelman

June 2023

Women who do take action – with or without a financial adviser – are more likely to see the financial security benefits.

I’d rather sit down with a female financial planner

Gender bias is a powerful force – and it could be holding women back financially in more ways than you might think. 

  • Bianca Hartge-Hazelman

May 2023

Danielle Wood, CEO of the Grattan Institute.

Could Danielle Wood be the country’s most influential economist?

The woman running the Grattan institute is enjoying a golden run of policy wins.

  • Julie Hare
The government’s Economic Equality Taskforce wants single mothers to be entitled to welfare for up to 16 years.

Labor’s childcare and welfare policies at cross-purposes on working mums

To spend heavily to incentivise one cohort of mothers to work while spending heavily to disincentivise another cohort to do so defies logic.

  • Amanda Stoker

March 2023

Jennie Blumenthal led a 250-person team as a partner with consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers.

Why Gen X female executives are quitting their jobs

Jacinda Ardern, Sheryl Sandberg, Nicola Sturgeon and Susan Wojcicki are part of a wider trend as female leaders reappraise what matters.

  • Jonnelle Marte

February 2023

Jacqui Munro is president of the NSW Liberal Women’s Council.

How not to treat women, Liberal Party style

The experiences of three women, from different generations, show why the party keeps losing elections.

  • Aaron Patrick

January 2023

Michelle Ryan, feminist and inaugural director of the Global Institute of Women’s Leadership at Australian National University.

Meet the woman making Julia Gillard’s dream a reality

Michelle Ryan is helping to create a world in which being a woman is no barrier to becoming a leader in any field.

  • Julie Hare

December 2022

Cassandra Kelly

Pottinger’s Cassandra Kelly says we mustn’t be scared of rising rates

The corporate adviser discusses the modern dilemmas of autonomous weapons, investing for the public good and getting women in the workforce.

  • Matthew Cranston

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