Landlords baulk at passing on rate cut to tenants
Investors such as Stefan Belevski say rent increases in recent times have not covered rising loan repayments and other costs.
How this Millennial plans to get wealthy even as a ‘forever renter’
What if the great Australian dream could be rewritten to exclude home ownership? Young people like Rosie Wilson are giving it a red hot go.
Victoria loses 20,000 rental properties in 18 months
Investors selling in the short term is not likely to impact rents, but a longer-term reduction in the state’s available stock could.
Why interest rates will keep rents high
The latest housing approval figures show Australian home-building is undershooting what the country needs – even with a pick-up forecast this year.
Unis expect near-record foreign student numbers despite policy chaos
The Albanese government has been switching higher education guidelines in efforts to reduce the international student intake, with little effect.
December 2024
Can an ‘upmarket boarding house’ solve Sydney’s housing problem?
Hotel Capital Partners is acquiring the former Quest Potts Point hotel and turning it into short-term rental housing to capitalise on inner-city housing shortages.
Elizabeth Bay luxury tower development rejected
The Rolling Stones made a surprise appearance in a judgment backing residents in a fight with developer Fortis about housing needs.
Game changer or sellout? The election fight over the future of housing
Labor says build-to-rent changes will turbocharge apartment construction. The Coalition says it just kicks the problem along. Get ready for one of the big election battles.
November 2024
Impact on rent of foreign student caps is price of a coffee: report
The government says too many international students is putting pressure on the rental market. New analysis reveals student caps will push rents down – by $5 a week
October 2024
Australia has passed peak property investor
For many around the country, especially Baby Boomers, property investing is a national pastime. But if you look closely, landlord numbers are declining.
‘Be careful what you wish for’ in property tax reform
Any benefit from falling house prices by curbing investor concessions may be short-lived. And there would be a price to pay, say property experts.
For every $1 increase on loan repayments, rents go up 1¢: RBA
Analysing 13 years of tax returns from 2006-07 to 2018-19, the RBA found that for every $1 increase in interest repayments, investors raised rents by just 1¢.
It turns out Philip Lowe was right about finding a flatmate
Higher housing costs are forcing young people to stay at home with their parents and leading households to rent out spare rooms, RBA chief economist Sarah Hunter says.
Negative gearing changes would be a drag on bank stocks: analysts
Citi examined restrictions on housing investor tax settings in New Zealand, and Australia in the 1980s, and found they helped rents go up.
September 2024
Jose was priced out of his inner-city home. So were 16,000 others
KPMG data shows rising costs are squeezing out much-needed workers from Sydney and Melbourne’s most sought-after suburbs.
August 2024
Union sells boss’ subsidised McMansion
The Electrical Trades Union is selling a five-bedroom McMansion that once housed its national boss while stalling housing developments across Sydney.
Decline in home ownership a boon for retirement operator Eureka
The company’s new chief executive, Simon Owen, says a growing number of retirees don’t have the real estate to buy into more expensive homes.
The maths justifying rentvesting has changed. Here are the numbers
It’s a popular strategy for building wealth but how does rentvesting stack up after 13 rate rises?
Build-to-rent plan risks ‘repelling investors’
Labor has been warned to redesign key elements of its plan to boost affordable rental stock around Australia.
Deals in build-to-rent market ready for lift-off, says US giant
Build-to-rent housing is potentially a big contributor in efforts to plug the country’s chronic housing shortfall which has sent rents skyrocketing.