
Negative gearing


Negative gearing is not a rort or a tax concession

Negative gearing is said to single-handedly be responsible for Australia’s housing crisis. But it is a principled, fair and efficient feature of any tax system.

  • Steven Hamilton


UK’s new tax slug could force expat Aussies home

Australians living in the UK for more than four years will lose the benefits of negative gearing and franking credits on their property and shares.

  • Updated
  • Hans van Leeuwen


Both major political parties plan to campaign on housing ahead of the 2025 election.

Housing plan is 200K homes short, industry warns

Significant changes to tax rules and land supply costs are needed to close a huge shortfall in new properties.

  • Tom McIlroy
Average construction times for houses remain elevated since the pandemic.

Fix supply before changing negative gearing: builders

Changes to negative gearing rules or capital gains tax concessions would further slow badly needed housing supply and hurt residential construction, builders say.

  • Tom McIlroy and Cindy Yin
Smith at a CMFEU rally in Sydney this year.

Negative gearing timebomb is ticking, and nine more great reads

Welcome to the weekend. To start off your day, we’ve curated 10 great reads to enjoy.

The number of landlords reporting negative cash flow will rise this year, due to the sharp jump in interest rates increasing their borrowing expenses.

Stage three tax changes to spur more negative gearing

The less generous tax cuts for higher-income earners and rising borrowing costs will encourage more people to use the strategy, experts say.

  • John Kehoe
Treasury secretary Steven Kennedy.

Government would have known about stage three revamp: Treasury boss

Jim Chalmers would have known his department was going to recommend revamping the stage three tax cuts, Treasury Secretary Steven Kennedy has suggested.

  • Phillip Coorey
Greens housing spokesman Max Chandler-Mather and Greens economic spokesman Nick McKim.

Negative gearing to jump as rate rises bite

Higher interest rates will make the strategy more popular and increase tax deductions for 2.4 million landlords, who tend to be older and earn higher incomes.

  • John Kehoe
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has indicated he won’t accept Greens demands.

Why Albanese can’t cave to the Greens on negative gearing

Ending one of the foundations of homeownership would be bad politics and weak policy.

  • Aaron Patrick
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese today in question time.

PM slaps down Greens on negative gearing demands

Anthony Albanese has ruled out negotiations on negative gearing or capital gains tax in return for the support of the Greens

  • Phillip Coorey
Planning restrictions far outweigh negative gearing and capital gains concessions when it comes to influencing house prices.

The real reason houses are so expensive - and it’s not negative gearing

Increasing supply by lifting planning restrictions has been proven to spark huge increases in construction and reductions in housing costs.

  • Nila Sweeney


Tax cuts to reduce property ‘distressed listings’

The revised stage three cuts could lift sentiment and reduce distressed sales, experts say.

  • Nila Sweeney

September 2023

Investors feel negative gearing pain as rate rises bite

Investments or holiday houses bought when rates were low face tough decisions as holding costs may prove too expensive.

  • Michael Hutton
Maria Kovacic made her maiden speech to parliament on Tuesday.

New Liberal MP pushes for negative gearing caps

Newly sworn in NSW Liberal senator Maria Kovacic says the party must help Australians build economic prosperity through home ownership.

  • Tom McIlroy

June 2023


Why your property could be on the $100b ATO hit list

What property investors need to do to avoid a tax crackdown as rising expenses push up claims.

  • Duncan Hughes

May 2023

Michael O’Brien

Property Council closes ranks on tax changes

Property leaders agree that boosting supply and overcoming the housing shortfall is the number one challenge. They differ on how to make it happen.

  • Michael Bleby
Susan Lloyd Hurwitz on Housing

‘Curb property tax breaks’ to fix affordability

Former Mirvac boss Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz, now in an advisory role to the government, favours curbs on negative gearing and capital gains tax deductions.

  • Updated
  • Michael Bleby, Jennifer Hewett and Phillip Coorey

Landlords struggle as rates and regulations bite

As a tax change in Britain and New Zealand collides with higher mortgage rates, landlords in those two countries are scaling back, or even liquidating, their real estate investments.

  • Ainsley Thomson and Alice Kantor

April 2023

Leader of the Greens Adam Bandt.

End property tax breaks to fund $69b housing program: Greens

The Parliamentary Budget Office has warned the Greens its proposals could have dire consequences for the housing sector and the economy at large.

  • Phillip Coorey

March 2023


How property investors can boost profits (besides just raising rents)

Keeping tenants happy with healthy, work-friendly or luxury features can be a winning strategy for long-term growth.

  • Duncan Hughes

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